Hello, i have a colleague with a TB and has rooted his phone with BAMF7, i love the interface and all it has to offer, just nervous about rooting my phone as i have not done this before and dont want to brick it ! any thoughts?
I also used the Revolutionary hack and have had zero problems. There is even a way to reverse the Revo changes, so
if you had to return the phone, S-ON would be restored and the device would be unrooted.
I definitely recommend Revolutionary over the HTC website. While there is no smoking gun stating
that they are voiding warranties, the chance exists using the HTC method since they can then
ID your phone. Using the Revo hack, zero information on that travels back to HTC, so as far
as they are concerned, it's still STOCK.
If you don't like the SENSE overlay, consider an AOSP ROM. Liquid Smooth 3.2 is what
I use and I love it.
Good Luck!
Is it possible to root my phone through the web on the device or must i hook it up through my pc? Im not to good with all this.....and am fearful of bricking the phone !
So I am going to root with revolutionary next week with a friend who knows what they are doing, they are going to use the bamf rom,.....which he is using on his TB currently and love.....any thoughts on bamf or any other roms? Is bamf safe for my phone and or is revolutionary safe as well,? thoughts please !
Should I root or wait for ics I'm so confused
Should I root or wait for ics I'm so confused
I waited until I was just about out of warranty and had an upgrade available, wish I had rooted months ago. I was also not comfortable doing it, but I took it step by step, and other than one harmless mistake, it went really easy. I don't remember who, but someone on here has the links to the steps in his/her signature. They really helped. There are a couple of apps your gonna want to buy, your friend will know which ones.
I'm running a Sense 3.xx rom, so it kept me from using my upgrade for a Rezound, I feel like I have a new phone.
Oh yeah, and I'm now getting 16 hours on the Rezound Battery in my thunderbolt. 12 with the stock battery, and I have used the extended battery, but have not been below 50% with it, so I have no idea how long I could stretch it.
After I rooted it, I realized that the sim in it had been retired from nonuse, so I brought it to the Verizon Wireless store (rooted) had them put a new sim in it and activate it. The tech didn't recognize the boot animation, but said nothing about it being rooted. I think I could have said "root" over and over and all he would have thought of was a tree.
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