Got one more question curious what does it mean unlocked bootloader? I understand SF has it while droid X you cannot. Is that true?
What advantage does that give me as far as I understand still can do custom roms on droid x correct?
I plan on hacking as much as i can once i get it so is the SF a phone that is much more fun to do it with? Thanks
Hi tannor. Yes, the Fascinate does have an unlocked bootloader, whereas the X does not. This means that, on the X, you wouldn't be able to flash a custom kernel to over/under clock the phone, and on the Fascinate this is not a problem. There are also a couple workarounds (if memory serves me) that you have to consider when hacking the X. However, the community being as great as it is, has found the best way to go about things, and has even managed to overclock the X using scripts instead of kernels.
Technically, the Fascinate is much more developer friendly, but the Droid X community seems to be a little larger.
Hope this helps!
Edit: Once we get the 2.2 update, hopefully the Fascinate community starts to expand