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Theme Developer
How comes with each release of Sapphire so far, a lot of the Google apps have been renamed?
I know it's been posted before with other issues. Perfect example is Pure Grid Calendar widget. When I go to set it up, I'm asked which calendar I want to use...I want to use 2.2 Calendar, but it tells me its not installed.
Why? it's looking for CalendarGoogle.apk....but whats included in the ROM is simply Calendar.apk

Same thing goes for the music app. It should be GoogleMusic.apk..not Music.apk as included in the ROM!

This can become a themer's nightmare! Especially when trying to port a theme to different ROMs. You'll be adding apks to the /system folder, when they are already there, but named something different.

Keyboard? Not only will it add another "Android Keyboard" in settings menu, but it can screw up how any of them work. For instance, suggesting of words has a major conflict.

This issue was brought up in 1.0 and was supposed to be fixed for 1.1.0
So uhh.....?

It's limiting what I can do/create for themes because there's a potential for conflicting apks.

Any ideas when/if this will be addressed?
+1000000 It makes It so hard!!!

For me a rule Of thumb always theme the Google aps they load after the Rom update.zip and they tend to be the most recent versions!!!

But it makes it really frustrating!!
It sounds to me that for whatever reason google apps were left out on the first place is probably the culprit, even after one does install the google apps, the title "Google" is still left out, down to the .apk level

Even the "gapps" update it isn't called google apps
Actually if the build process is like for cm the build process names them like that altho it can be changed.
For porting Themes (for personal use, not at your guys level of theming at all), I use Daneshm90's Theme-Porter script, extract the rom I want to theme with a zip client, Move the ROMS apks to be themed into the NEW folder, put the previously themed files into OLD folder, and change the Old apk's names to match the New.

Aside from the name (basically the wrapper) is there anything else changing. I understand the frustration, but am I missing something... or is it mostly the inconvenience of renaming causing the problem.

PS love your new take on RedRum, and the LauncherPro bar is killer.
Yes, this has been a major PITA ever since Froyo came out and Google officially changed the names (adding Google to the end of most apps).... But I have learned to adapt and I know now which ones don't name them right and which ones do.

Now that everyone is on Froyo it would really be wise to get these names correct now and leave the old names in the past.
How comes with each release of Sapphire so far, a lot of the Google apps have been renamed?
I know it's been posted before with other issues. Perfect example is Pure Grid Calendar widget. When I go to set it up, I'm asked which calendar I want to use...I want to use 2.2 Calendar, but it tells me its not installed.
Why? it's looking for CalendarGoogle.apk....but whats included in the ROM is simply Calendar.apk

Same thing goes for the music app. It should be GoogleMusic.apk..not Music.apk as included in the ROM!

This can become a themer's nightmare! Especially when trying to port a theme to different ROMs. You'll be adding apks to the /system folder, when they are already there, but named something different.

Keyboard? Not only will it add another "Android Keyboard" in settings menu, but it can screw up how any of them work. For instance, suggesting of words has a major conflict.

This issue was brought up in 1.0 and was supposed to be fixed for 1.1.0
So uhh.....?

It's limiting what I can do/create for themes because there's a potential for conflicting apks.

Any ideas when/if this will be addressed?

Alright, first of all, there is some argument over which name they "SHOULD" be. Personally, I can tell you that I do not go through my build and rename "GoogleCalendar" to "Calendar" and "GoogleMusic" to "Music" etc, after a compile, just to make it harder on the themers. The fact of the matter is, that AOSP compiles those applications with those names.

For reasons that are beyond me, the LEAKS included these malformed-named applications, and for some reason, people have taken it upon themselves to declare the information coming from a leak to be more correct than the official Android Open Source Project.

I know it is annoying but I will not be renaming what I deem to be official titles for the sake of matching the leaks. If these applications were intended to be titled "GoogleMusic.apk" then there would be an git://android.git.kernel.org/platform/packages/apps/GoogleMusic.git repository. Needless to say, there isnt.

I can understand where it is frustrating and to be honest I wish that the people rolling roms from leaks would try to do a better job of weeding out these duplicates and making them match the official source tree.

In short, for those applications I will not be renaming them as I feel that since AOSP is the official source tree for android and they name their apps without the "Google" counterpart, that I should be using the names they provide. I have seen no firm evidence stating that these "Google" counterparts are the official names.

That all being said, BGill did point out that I had originally mentioned that GoogleLatinIme would be renamed to LatinIME in this one, in order to coincide with my philosophy (of pretty much dropping these Google names), and that was my bad. I have recently removed that particular nuisance and it won't be in future releases (I swear).

Also, in the future I will be pruning my build tree of apps that can be installed from market, such as the new google search, voice search, etc.
may seem redundant but i just wanted to say that the titanium method of removing google search and reinstalling fixed my problems...i have not encountered any others as of yet (my gmail was fine) i notived someone said gps wasnt working on ruby ill test on my way to work with sapphire today and see whats up
ohai nygrik :)

Edit: Oh by the way, excellent response cvpcs, I always appreciate your no none-sense approach to Android development.
Very strange that the OFFICIAL OTA updates from Google have the "appxxxGoogle" names. Those aren't considered leaks are they? FWIW, EVERY OFFFICAL Froyo update I have ever seen uses the new "Google" naming. period.

Just downloaded this FRG22D patch from Google server... attached pic says it all.



  • FroyoNames.webp
    70.6 KB · Views: 261
In AOSP it's named as just Calender.apk and such, but when Google/Moto/HTC/whoever decides to go release their OTA, they change it to have Google in the name, nobody has a real answer as to why they do it. Maybe to show that Google made these and wants their name there if anyones looking at it? I'm sure theres some monetary reason for this change, but other than that, if it's in AOSP as Calender.apk, why should he compile it as CalenderGoogle.apk?