How comes with each release of Sapphire so far, a lot of the Google apps have been renamed?
I know it's been posted before with other issues. Perfect example is Pure Grid Calendar widget. When I go to set it up, I'm asked which calendar I want to use...I want to use 2.2 Calendar, but it tells me its not installed.
Why? it's looking for CalendarGoogle.apk....but whats included in the ROM is simply Calendar.apk
Same thing goes for the music app. It should be GoogleMusic.apk..not Music.apk as included in the ROM!
This can become a themer's nightmare! Especially when trying to port a theme to different ROMs. You'll be adding apks to the /system folder, when they are already there, but named something different.
Keyboard? Not only will it add another "Android Keyboard" in settings menu, but it can screw up how any of them work. For instance, suggesting of words has a major conflict.
This issue was brought up in 1.0 and was supposed to be fixed for 1.1.0
So uhh.....?
It's limiting what I can do/create for themes because there's a potential for conflicting apks.
Any ideas when/if this will be addressed?
I know it's been posted before with other issues. Perfect example is Pure Grid Calendar widget. When I go to set it up, I'm asked which calendar I want to use...I want to use 2.2 Calendar, but it tells me its not installed.
Why? it's looking for CalendarGoogle.apk....but whats included in the ROM is simply Calendar.apk
Same thing goes for the music app. It should be GoogleMusic.apk..not Music.apk as included in the ROM!
This can become a themer's nightmare! Especially when trying to port a theme to different ROMs. You'll be adding apks to the /system folder, when they are already there, but named something different.
Keyboard? Not only will it add another "Android Keyboard" in settings menu, but it can screw up how any of them work. For instance, suggesting of words has a major conflict.
This issue was brought up in 1.0 and was supposed to be fixed for 1.1.0
So uhh.....?
It's limiting what I can do/create for themes because there's a potential for conflicting apks.
Any ideas when/if this will be addressed?