[Theme: Focused, GummyJAR] YaBBM Gingerbread, Yet another Black Bar Mod
Download for Liberty 1.0: YaBBM for Liberty 1.0
Download for RubiX Focused 1.9.5: View attachment 23852
Download MOD for GummyJAR 2.5, disables data throttling, faster downloads: View attachment 23985
Update 1-17: Added version for Liberty 1.0, based on the official gingerbread addon theme. No data throttle mod yet, I'll look into doing it myself if noone else does. Also, I may relocate the thread for YaBBM's home to the Liberty ROM forum. I'll probably continue to post possible Focused updates here.
Update 12-31: Updated the GummyJAR versions with a black background for the network provider banner on the status bar pulldown.
Update 12-30, again: Made a new MOD version that includes yukmizzee's data throttle remover services.jar, so that you don't have to install it seperately. This literally DOUBLED my data download rates, but the stability has not been proven yet, so use at your own risk. GummyJAR only. Original thread here.
Update 12-30: Sorry I disappeared, I've been bouncing between ROMs and themes constantly lately. Anyway, I've been using GummyJAR and Rubix quite a bit lately, and have tweaked the default Gingerbread theme a bit. This is basically the Gingerbread theme with some changed taskbar icons, and a few other miscellaneous changes. Nothing huge, but I really like the way it looks
This theme is built and tested for RubiX Focused and GummyJAR.
1. The basic theme files are from the GummyJAR and RubiX Focused default Gingerbread-based themes, which I believe were created by Kejar31, based on the official SDK.
2. Data in/out icons, signal strength bars, and battery meter were replaced with versions customized by me, originally from the gorgeous REVOlution theme ported to the DX by Fabolous, originally created by Manup456.
3. The black header backgrounds are from the stock Droid X theme, by Motorola.
Reboot to clockworkmod recovery using Koush's bootstrapper
mount /system
Install yabbm.zip
Please post a reply if this works for you, if it causes any issues, or if you have any suggestions for a future version.
Note: a half bar in the battery meter indicates a 10% level, while a full bar is 20%.
View attachment 23849
View attachment 23983
Download for Liberty 1.0: YaBBM for Liberty 1.0
Download for RubiX Focused 1.9.5: View attachment 23852
Download MOD for GummyJAR 2.5, disables data throttling, faster downloads: View attachment 23985
Update 1-17: Added version for Liberty 1.0, based on the official gingerbread addon theme. No data throttle mod yet, I'll look into doing it myself if noone else does. Also, I may relocate the thread for YaBBM's home to the Liberty ROM forum. I'll probably continue to post possible Focused updates here.
Update 12-31: Updated the GummyJAR versions with a black background for the network provider banner on the status bar pulldown.
Update 12-30, again: Made a new MOD version that includes yukmizzee's data throttle remover services.jar, so that you don't have to install it seperately. This literally DOUBLED my data download rates, but the stability has not been proven yet, so use at your own risk. GummyJAR only. Original thread here.
Update 12-30: Sorry I disappeared, I've been bouncing between ROMs and themes constantly lately. Anyway, I've been using GummyJAR and Rubix quite a bit lately, and have tweaked the default Gingerbread theme a bit. This is basically the Gingerbread theme with some changed taskbar icons, and a few other miscellaneous changes. Nothing huge, but I really like the way it looks
This theme is built and tested for RubiX Focused and GummyJAR.
1. The basic theme files are from the GummyJAR and RubiX Focused default Gingerbread-based themes, which I believe were created by Kejar31, based on the official SDK.
2. Data in/out icons, signal strength bars, and battery meter were replaced with versions customized by me, originally from the gorgeous REVOlution theme ported to the DX by Fabolous, originally created by Manup456.
3. The black header backgrounds are from the stock Droid X theme, by Motorola.
Reboot to clockworkmod recovery using Koush's bootstrapper
mount /system
Install yabbm.zip
Please post a reply if this works for you, if it causes any issues, or if you have any suggestions for a future version.
Note: a half bar in the battery meter indicates a 10% level, while a full bar is 20%.
View attachment 23849
View attachment 23983
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