I posted this on the rezound developers page but wanted the rest of the Rezound owners to know the truth about their phone. "THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE".
I spoke to HTC directly about this very thing. I discovered the other radios with the PHONE INFO APP (WCDMA, GSM (only), GLOBAL MODE, GSM+LTE/EVDO auto, GLOBAL LTE MODE) along with the standard CDMA+LTE/EVDO auto and CDMA auto (PRL). Also so confirmed by when I pulled of the back battery cover and exposed several of the gold plated radio antenna's. The HTC tech support manager said to me that HTC Rezound is a world phone despite Verizon's tech support claims that it will only work on Verizon's LTE/CDMA network. HTC's tech said that this phone will work any where in the world. All you need is the SIM card and the SIM Card unlock codes that Verizon should provide to you if you have been a customer long enough. She further said that you can ONLY GET THE CODES FROM VERIZON'S TECH SUPPORT, NOT FROM VERIZON CUSTOMER SERVICE.
She said with the SIM Card and Codes the phone will operate any where in the world where their is a cell phone signal. Depending on the Network it's hit or miss on having data service, but you will be able to receive and make call plus send and receive text no matter with or without data service.
VERIZON Doesn't advertise the Rezound as a world phone and will tell you it's not, they don't want us to know it's a world phone
Bottom line with all of the other great things this phone does: direct to tv plug, great camera, hd video,(Dr. Dre) Beats audio, speed, smoothness, ect...
This is the best phone on the best phone on the Market by far.
VERIZON Doesn't advertise the Rezound as a world phone and will tell you it's not, they don't want us to know it's a world phone. Why I wonder, I think we all know why.
My history with Android is the Original Droid, Thunderbolt, and now the Rezound.
I spoke to HTC directly about this very thing. I discovered the other radios with the PHONE INFO APP (WCDMA, GSM (only), GLOBAL MODE, GSM+LTE/EVDO auto, GLOBAL LTE MODE) along with the standard CDMA+LTE/EVDO auto and CDMA auto (PRL). Also so confirmed by when I pulled of the back battery cover and exposed several of the gold plated radio antenna's. The HTC tech support manager said to me that HTC Rezound is a world phone despite Verizon's tech support claims that it will only work on Verizon's LTE/CDMA network. HTC's tech said that this phone will work any where in the world. All you need is the SIM card and the SIM Card unlock codes that Verizon should provide to you if you have been a customer long enough. She further said that you can ONLY GET THE CODES FROM VERIZON'S TECH SUPPORT, NOT FROM VERIZON CUSTOMER SERVICE.
She said with the SIM Card and Codes the phone will operate any where in the world where their is a cell phone signal. Depending on the Network it's hit or miss on having data service, but you will be able to receive and make call plus send and receive text no matter with or without data service.
VERIZON Doesn't advertise the Rezound as a world phone and will tell you it's not, they don't want us to know it's a world phone
Bottom line with all of the other great things this phone does: direct to tv plug, great camera, hd video,(Dr. Dre) Beats audio, speed, smoothness, ect...
This is the best phone on the best phone on the Market by far.
VERIZON Doesn't advertise the Rezound as a world phone and will tell you it's not, they don't want us to know it's a world phone. Why I wonder, I think we all know why.
My history with Android is the Original Droid, Thunderbolt, and now the Rezound.