The OnePlus X Requires No Invite Every Tuesday!


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Oct 6, 2011
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OnePlus has made a name for themselves in the Rom and Mod community because they believe in open developer friendly devices and have decided to use custom roms as stock builds on their devices. The one major downside is that it has historically been a pain in the rear to order one of their devices. A few weeks ago they opened up orders for the OnePlus 2 to everyone meaning you would no longer have to wait in line for an invite. This will also be the case for their budget device the OnePlus X starting tomorrow, and every Tuesday after. Either demand for their devices has waned or they have finally figured out exactly how many devices need to be built to take care of demand.

I think this will help them in the long run. I have never really understood the invite system in the first place. It has generally just been a major turn off for me. I always thought it would be better to just do a preorder to gauge demand, and then build what is needed. Possibly the invites were needed because OnePlus is only able to obtain a certain amount of build supplies? The device will still need an invite on days other than Tuesday so you will probably just want to wait till Tuesday to buy it.

via @oneplus
Phone with two year old specs and 270$ price tag shouldn't need invites at all.
Phone with two year old specs and 270$ price tag shouldn't need invites at all.
You'd think they sent them with gold. They must have huge supply issues so they can control the demand.