M7 is finally here! After about a month's wait we finally have a new stable build of Cyanogen Mod to flash to our devices. Don't let the build name full you Cyanogen Mod 11 M7 is not meant only for the original HTC One. When I first saw the build number I instantly thought, "Oh that is for the original HTC One only." I guess I was having a blonde moment! This is actually the seventh milestone release of Kit Kat for team Cyanogen Mod. CM releases new builds nightly but they only release stable builds once per month. They incorporate any new features in these milestone builds. Nightlies are compiled by computers which means there will be bugs. The M builds are compiled by humans and these are the most bug free builds available from CM.
There are a few new features in this build including The all new theme changer and theme chooser UI. There are other updates included such as a calculator overhaul, updates to the launcher, new performance profiles with included benchmark boosters, performance enhancements, bug fixes and added support for various devices. This is not 4.4.3, but you can get 4.4.3 in the latest nightly builds. Head to the link below for the download.
Via CyanogenMod