The Epic Quest of Getting a Droid X on 7/16 (without shipping)


New Member
Jul 11, 2010
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Just thought I'd share my story....might help out a few hopefuls still looking.

Woke up this morning dissapointed that I would not be getting an X anytime soon. Being a full time traveller I could not get out yesterday to get one and can't have one shipped since I'm never in the same place for more than a day.

Having today off in the outskirts of Sioux City, Iowa.....I thought I'd call around.

Found 2 X's actually sitting in stock......AT WALMART!

Ran right down there and was starting my upgrade when the clerk told me my NE2 wasn't up yet (it's next week!) and that I couldnt upgrade.....

Depressed...i walked outside and saw a Verizon store scross the street. Ran over and talked to the sales clerk and he said I was clear for my annual upgrade...

Ran back to Walmart....bitter sales lady tells me they can't do annual upgrades....

Finally, called VZ customer service, the were nice enough to change my upgrade date to today and...::Drum roll::.....Ive got it in my hot little hand :)

Loving it so far!

My advice to anyone still looking is places like Costco, Walmart, Sams etc and look for ones with a Verizon store close by. I think they were overlooked.
I actually purchased my Droid X in Costco yesterday at 10AM. No problems at all. I was on my way home by 10:40.
How much did you guys pay for it there? I may want to check these places out, every Best Buy and Verizon is sold out here.
At Costco there is no rebate so the phone just cost $199. There is a rebate for the activation fee as well so there are no activation charges. Also, Costco gives a cheap case and a car charger. To me it was a no-brainer to buy it there.
Just thought I'd share my story....might help out a few hopefuls still looking.

Woke up this morning dissapointed that I would not be getting an X anytime soon. Being a full time traveller I could not get out yesterday to get one and can't have one shipped since I'm never in the same place for more than a day.

Having today off in the outskirts of Sioux City, Iowa.....I thought I'd call around.

Found 2 X's actually sitting in stock......AT WALMART!

Ran right down there and was starting my upgrade when the clerk told me my NE2 wasn't up yet (it's next week!) and that I couldnt upgrade.....

Depressed...i walked outside and saw a Verizon store scross the street. Ran over and talked to the sales clerk and he said I was clear for my annual upgrade...

Ran back to Walmart....bitter sales lady tells me they can't do annual upgrades....

Finally, called VZ customer service, the were nice enough to change my upgrade date to today and...::Drum roll::.....Ive got it in my hot little hand :)

Loving it so far!

My advice to anyone still looking is places like Costco, Walmart, Sams etc and look for ones with a Verizon store close by. I think they were overlooked.

Good story.. I am going through something similiar w/ ordered through wirefly..

So far I cannot activate the phone yet(will need to wait till tomorrow morning).. but I did spend sometime on phone w/ both wirefly and VZW to straighten out the story..

Phone looks nice though(finally free'd from storm 1)
I went to the verizon store today


they were still selling it to other people when I was there. now i have to wait until the 23rd :(

however, the rebate was instant. i paid $200.
Back to Verizon...

Yeah, I made the mistake of leaving Verizon for the lure of the iPhone. Big mistake! Headed back to Verizon now and not looking back. Returning my iPhone 4 and 3GS for the Droid X. Bought them through Wirefly today and both are shipping as I type this!

I learned my lesson.
costco wont match prices though

Looked into the costco route but found out that they don't honor the NE2 discount from verizon which I am available for. So for me it was cheaper to go with verizon ($99 vs $199)
I walked into the Verizon store near where I work on the 16th at lunch time and they still had some left. I wish I had thought about Costco.