Text messages


Mar 30, 2011
Reaction score
Ok so I want to flash liberty as soon as the site is back up. Right now im running sd using safestrap. The only worry I have is the messages text messages I have on my phone I need for court. I have titanium backup and i made a backup but im not really sure how it works. Mostly I have it for freezing bloatware. Is there another way I can get my messages off the phone or make a backup so I can just flash this rom again if I need them?

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i use GO SMS pro (free) just to backup and restore texts.
Cool app. Thank alot.

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Mybackup root works well to back up sms/mms. Calllogs too. I use it to transfer texts and call logs when I switch roms

Sent from my rooted xt860
Sounds like a case of the crazy spouse...good luck with the restraining order

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