Tethering my Droid X2


New Member
Feb 15, 2012
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Just got a Motorola Droid X2 and I'm wanting to know if there is any way to use it as a mobile hotspot without rooting it. I have not had the mobile hotspot feature activated, but was hoping for a way around that. I tried PDAnet and EASYTETHER but neither worked. No network access. Any help is appreciated.
PDA net works great on my DX2! I am connected to it now. In order for you to connect, you will need to enable usb debugging on your phone. It is in settings, then applications, then development. Check usb debugging and then start PDA net on your phone, then connect from the icon on your screen.
I finally found a USB tethering app called Klink that works on my phone. None of the others I tried worked and I'm not really sure why. It was $5, but worth it in my opinion.