Tax Time!

We didn't get back a large amount, but what we did get was welcomed. I always adjust my withholding mid way through the year, simply to make sure I don't end up owing. I'd much rather get back a little bit than have to pay.

S5 tap'n
I mean the ones who brag about getting thousands back - those are the ones you want to say that they should be bragging like that because it really shows off their stupidity in giving away free money only to be given back w/o interest.
I mean the ones who brag about getting thousands back - those are the ones you want to say that they should be bragging like that because it really shows off their stupidity in giving away free money only to be given back w/o interest.


I just love giving the government my money. In fact every year I..... Ok let me stop lying.

To be honest it has become the old false hope thing in a way. Every year we as a society hope to get money back and get happy when we get back our own money so we can go buy stuff. Like you Vulcan my economics professor called out the tax return thing in how people get excited every year to get back their own money they already worked for and yet people almost treat it like the government is giving them a gift.
First, each year, I wait until SD shows me a free/under $5 tax software deal, and I hop on it! Turbotax the past few years....

Was doing taxes this year for the first time as a married couple, so we filed joint. State refund is a robust $3. Instead of paying the $20 to file state....I'll be just sending in the form in an envelope....and whenever we get the $3 when I'll buy my wife the best happy hour drink at Sonic...
We always used to owe government money, but since having a kid it's other way around.