Task Killer Debate on X


New Member
Jul 18, 2010
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I am confused. I am a silent browser of these boards ever since I got my Droid on its release date. Every post that I have fallen into say the DX does not need any type of task killer programs, that it is able to efficiently handle it on its own.

My friend just purchased a D2 yesterday and was told by 2 different Verizon employees (one a family member, the other actually sold her the phone) that she should have a task killer... Just so happened right before she told me that, I read that froyo comes with a task killer program?

So should I be d/ling one and if so, which one?
No, i hate to say this but most verizon reps are stupid and don't know crap about android devices, search the forums android does not need a task killer your just wasteing your battery life android can manage its resources fine on its own.
Short answer - NO you should not run a task killer

Long Answer:

  • Will there be times that you need to kill all the apps except "core" apps on your phone for one reason or another? YES. (I use Advanced task Killer for this because it has a great interface and ignore list). These will include apps locking up, Unknown reason phone slowness, etc...
  • Should you set up and "automated" kill for a program that keeps popping up? NO
  • What do you do for apps that are running that you do not want running? Look for a thread on Bloatware. I "freeze" them with Titanium Backup
  • You can always go to Applications and "kill" an app. Also, many other programs provide a way to kill one or many apps. I just prefer ATK.
I read the same thing and was told by many to get a task killer... but everything I read says you do not need one @ all....

I noticed that if I dont use my phone for like an hour or so and I unlock it and see what task are running usuallly theres only 1 or 2 in there instead of the 6.....
I'm running the leaked froyo, and rooted. I took my task killer off. I was having to charge my batter by lunch time, then again when I got home. now I just charge it onece a day.
Task Killers!? BURN IT!!! BURN IT WITH FIRE!!! AHHH!!!!!
Short answer - NO you should not run a task killer

Long Answer:

  • Will there be times that you need to kill all the apps except "core" apps on your phone for one reason or another? YES. (I use Advanced task Killer for this because it has a great interface and ignore list). These will include apps locking up, Unknown reason phone slowness, etc...
  • Should you set up and "automated" kill for a program that keeps popping up? NO
  • What do you do for apps that are running that you do not want running? Look for a thread on Bloatware. I "freeze" them with Titanium Backup
  • You can always go to Applications and "kill" an app. Also, many other programs provide a way to kill one or many apps. I just prefer ATK.

+1 this is what i always try to say. Having one and using it every now and then is one thing, but having one and setting up autokill commands is bad.
Agree with what DebianDog says however my recommendation would be for the app system panel (there is a paid & free version)...

I would not set anything to auto-kill. Let the OS do its job.

Sent from my Droid X
I don't use a task killer but system panel advice from small town girl sounds worthy of a shot...I would be interested to know how you have yours set up? Any help is appreciated.
Thanks everyone, that is what I thought..but with the V reps saying different, I wanted to double check. I will forward this to my friend so she can make an informed decision!
I don't use a task killer but system panel advice from small town girl sounds worthy of a shot...I would be interested to know how you have yours set up? Any help is appreciated.

I have the full version, nothing set to autokill...I would reference the dev's website - he has several nice screenshots & he discusses the use of a task killer - right way/wrong way of using.

Website: HTTP://android.nextapp.com/site/systempanel/doc

Sent from my Droid X
I don't use a task killer but system panel advice from small town girl sounds worthy of a shot...I would be interested to know how you have yours set up? Any help is appreciated.

Well if the other app can do this then great but....here is a sample of my ignore list everything else can be killed. Again, I do not run this often but it is helpful at times

Swyped on my X
Um, OT but how did you get your screen pic like that Debian?