Just wanted to make a thread about apps for the zoom. Its awesome how apps can run on honeycomb so maybe people could point out new tablet based apps.
Ill get this started CNN app is awesome,grocery list is cool, pulse news feeder is nice although the Widgets aren't that great yet, accuweathee is good but only because it is the only weather tablet, and thumb keyboard is really good for the landscape mode so check them out and now lets here from you cguys and girls lets makrle this thread awesome start it up
Ill get this started CNN app is awesome,grocery list is cool, pulse news feeder is nice although the Widgets aren't that great yet, accuweathee is good but only because it is the only weather tablet, and thumb keyboard is really good for the landscape mode so check them out and now lets here from you cguys and girls lets makrle this thread awesome start it up