I really enjoy Apex 1.4, except for one major issue and that is 9 times out of ten when on a call with my Jawbone Icon, the phone will either reboot or disconnect and report back that 'system' has stopped responding. I loose the call and the only thing I can do is to reboot the phone, which can be done which something that I find interesting. All my screens are completely black but if I hold the power button the options are presented.
I've reset the Icon multiple times but with no luck. Any thoughts on what could be causing this issue and a path to correction?
I really enjoy Apex 1.4, except for one major issue and that is 9 times out of ten when on a call with my Jawbone Icon, the phone will either reboot or disconnect and report back that 'system' has stopped responding. I loose the call and the only thing I can do is to reboot the phone, which can be done which something that I find interesting. All my screens are completely black but if I hold the power button the options are presented.
I've reset the Icon multiple times but with no luck. Any thoughts on what could be causing this issue and a path to correction?