Apex 1.3.1 and LCD Density (not a dialer problem)


New Member
Jan 6, 2011
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A few days ago did my first rom install... So far I'm loving it along with some other changes I've made. Everything works great so far with one exception... Today I tried to run "LCDDensity" and no matter which density I choose, even 240, the phone gets stuck just after the Android logo when rebooting and gives the message "Process system is not responding." I then have to hold down the lock button and choose reboot. Then things are back to normal, but the LCD density is also normal. (obviously, since that's how this app works)

I'm running the ADW launcher that came with the rom. (Theme is Buuf)

I'm open to suggestions... Thanks! And great job on the rom as well.

Edit: Just saw this on another forum and I believe it's the same issue: (Post by macpro88)

Sounds like it's not liking the restart of just the UI... (soft boot?)
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