Seems that you recently came over from Blackberry. I had multiple BB's for years with my last one in June of '12, at which time my contract finally ended and I switched (back) to Android. Although it is not yet quite a year, I can't even recall the SW that BB used for sync, but it was the one that came with the device. Yep, it was fairly straight forward and usually did the job. When it had problems, I used stuff such as BBSAK (BB swiss army knife). Does any of this sound correct so far?
Well, welcome to the world of Android. Lesson 1 is to forget about the stuff that Verizon is pushing down on you. You are going to find multiple ways to sync, upload photos, contacts, etc.
You are going to want to get up to speed with respect to what syncs with what. Too many syncs going and you will end up with multiples (i.e. duplicate) contacts showing up all over the place.
Did you have a Google account to start the process? If not, then you will probably want to start there. This forum is an excellent source of information and the folks here have been very helpful to me.
From your PC, I would Google all that you can about starting off with your new device and how to load your contacts into it via Gmail, etc.
Did you purchase your device from an authorized retailer, or aftermarket? Depending upon where it was purchased, someone should have walked you through the basics at the very beginning. Let us know specifically which device you have. There are multiple devices with the name "Droid" and "Razr".
You will want to let everyone know which model you have, as well as the Android version, all of which you can find in Settings>About Phone. Please don't get frustrated so quickly. You have barely even scratched the surface of the iceberg. However, once you get familiar with everything, you will be glad that you gave yourself the chance to learn and very glad that you made the switch!