Superhero Teamups


Regular Member
Rescue Squad
Dec 23, 2009
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I remember back in the day watching my favorite heroes on tv whether it be Batman, X-men, or Spider-man it was 30 minutes of animated entertainment. Even more fun than watching my favorite heroes were watching them team up for an episode. Whether it be Spider-man with the X-men or Spider-man and Punisher seeing them on screen together just added something special to that Saturday afternoon. So what is your favorite super hero team up whether it be on television, movies, or comics?

My favorite superhero team up
Batman / Superman: The world's greatest detective with the boy scout. The way they feed off each other makes for an awesome team up and I look forward to seeing together on the big screen next year.
Considering they're reported to spend much of the movie trying to kill each other a la the finale of The Dark Knight Returns (simply awesome read), I doubt they'll be teamed up for long. I just hope it's better than Man of Steel. That turkey was worse than the Total Recall remake.

It's like nobody can make a decent Superman movie anymore.
I am team Avengers too but if they can add spidey on their team. I think that would be better he's a strong one.