Last night I fell asleep with my phone plugged in, and while I was asleep it came unplugged and died. This morning I tried to start the phone after charging it and it wouldn't load past the "red droid eye" screen. I have tried resetting using all three buttons on the phone, but it won't pass that point in turning on. I have a new phone coming tomorrow from my insurance and really don't care about this one at all, BUT I really need my photos off. I have photos from weddings, family, vacations, etc. (I know I should have backed up but its a little late). I have to send this phone in the next 4 days or I will be charged $500, and all I need are my photos and videos put onto my laptop. Any help would be unexplainably appreciated. Again, all I want are my photos and videos (contacts would be nice as well). Thank you SO MUCH for any help.