Stuck in Fastboot with Invalid cg version


New Member
Jul 7, 2011
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So, my phone was rooted and running fine until i dld the .902 update and tried to get that up and running. Failed, and caused probs losing all my backups and such, so ran rsd and flashed a targa which brought me back to .886. I got an ota for .893 and tried to install it, which brought me to where I am now, stuck in AP Fastboot with an invalid cg version and I cant remember what I did to fix it before. I have the .902 bionic pathsaver on my computer along with the VRZ_XT875_5.5.893.XT875.Verizon.en.US_CFC_01.xml but I cant get anything to work.
Im in the process of dl NEWVRZ_XT875_5.5.893.XT875.Verizon.en.US_CFC_01.xm to try to flash that through rsd and see if it gets me anywhere, but I just need to know how to get my phone back up and running! Thanks in advance!
So, my phone was rooted and running fine until i dld the .902 update and tried to get that up and running. Failed, and caused probs losing all my backups and such, so ran rsd and flashed a targa which brought me back to .886. I got an ota for .893 and tried to install it, which brought me to where I am now, stuck in AP Fastboot with an invalid cg version and I cant remember what I did to fix it before. I have the .902 bionic pathsaver on my computer along with the VRZ_XT875_5.5.893.XT875.Verizon.en.US_CFC_01.xml but I cant get anything to work.
Im in the process of dl NEWVRZ_XT875_5.5.893.XT875.Verizon.en.US_CFC_01.xm to try to flash that through rsd and see if it gets me anywhere, but I just need to know how to get my phone back up and running! Thanks in advance!

If you are erroring in the fastbbot menu not sure any FXZs can be flashed from that menu...worth a try with the NEWVRZ FXZ, but if it fails which I suspect it would, then run the FixCDT zip from the same thread...
Tried flashing the new fxz and it fails at step 6/22. Tried running the fixcdt.bat:
Press any key to continue . . . sending 'cdt.bin' (16 KB)... OKAY [ 0.010s]
writing 'cdt.bin'... INFOPreflash validation failure
INFOno such partition
FAILED (remote: )

getting frustrated and losing battery...
Press any key to continue . . .
reboot into fastboot again...still the same invalid cdt error? Try only running the Fixcdt.bat again, then unplug and boot up...still stuck in fastboot?
I went ahead and reunzipped the bionic path saver to a new location and unzipped the files to that folder again, ran the 901fix and presto! Somehow I must have put some of the wrong files in the bps folder and got everything all screwed up. So, for future reference, if anyone else finds themselves in this position, try this and hopefully you can get back! Thanks MBK for the quick responses, nice to know theres some good people that know what theyre doing with this and can help us out when we hit a wall!
Good to hear....glad you got it sorted out though... funny that the FixCDT didn't work the first time around considering it's the exact same CDT.bin file as what's in the 901fix....but the main thing is that you're good to go..congrats :happy3::biggrin: