Solved Sony Smartwatch 2 phone notification


New Member
Mar 4, 2010
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DC metro Area
Current Phone Model
VZW Note 3
Hi! I'm not sure if anyone here would know the answer to this, or if I'll have to go through Sony, but I figured since I already have an account here I'd ask :)

I have a note 3 updated to Lollipop recently and a Sony Smartwatch 2 SW2.

Does anyone know if there is a way to turn off the "Smartwatch connected" notification that displays on my phone? It doesn't clear by swiping or clear all on the pull down bar. Now with the update to LP and the notifications showing on lock screen, it's always there as well. I don't want to turn off all notifications to my lock screen as I do like some of them showing up, and have been turning off notifications for ones I don't want (like the apps that don't seem to have an internal "notification off" option). I tried to find the watch in my application notifications settings but it's not there. I tried disabling "sony smart connect" app notifications but that didn't clear it either. I also could not find any type of notifications in BT settings.

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated!

N/M I found a way! While it does not show listed in my apps under notifications, when I go to Application Manager (or long pressing the notification to get to the app info) I can unmark a "show notification" tick box there which got rid of it!

I don't see a way to delete this thread on my own. Not sure if it needs to stay since it ended up being one of those instances where I just needed to talk it out, play a lil more and found it on my own ;)