Hey guys,
Being jealous over someone else recently winning the giveaway for the Sony Smart Watch, I decided to get myself one. For those of you with Verizon, you can get it through them for about $150. If you're a nerd like me, you've gotta have this little gadget.
One thing I should mention, verizons site says that the Droid 3 (which I have) is not compatible with this device...that is crap. I don't know if it's because I'm rooted with MavRom 4.0 or did the TBH Wifi Hotspot coding, but it DOES work with my D3. dancedroidIt also lists the D1 and D2, Xoom, and a few other moto products even though it was designed with sony phones in mind.
I have to say I like it, I can review updates on facebook, review and "phrase" respond to my texts, look at missed calls, check the weather, answer calls, control my music player, or abuse my lost phone finder app to sonic mine a coworkers office. LOL (my favorite) These are all free apps on the google playstore and some or all have widgets that work on the smartwatch. Even though this all works via Bluetooth you'd be pleasantly suprised at the fun you can have with it. I like the display, but it sucks in direct sunlight, so far, battery is only down 15-20% since I charged it 16hours ago... of course I didn't put it to real testing until today.
I have handsfree in my stereo head unit (another Bluetooth connection) and although I didn't attempt any calls, I could see it connected fine in tandem with the smartwatch. I will try a couple of phonecalls with the handsfree while playing with the watch to make sure there's no issue later today. If there is a problem, I will update this post.
Overall Verdict: If you've got the money to spare on this gadget, it's worthwhile, fun and a definate conversation piece. I really like mine, and hopefully this is a product that I'll continue to see app support for, but a mic and/or speaker wouldn't hurt in the next version. The Smartwatch doesn't seem to have any real issues I've noticed and does all it advertises. If anyone has any questions prior to getting one or is just curious hit me up here for this Fun Gadget.
Being jealous over someone else recently winning the giveaway for the Sony Smart Watch, I decided to get myself one. For those of you with Verizon, you can get it through them for about $150. If you're a nerd like me, you've gotta have this little gadget.
One thing I should mention, verizons site says that the Droid 3 (which I have) is not compatible with this device...that is crap. I don't know if it's because I'm rooted with MavRom 4.0 or did the TBH Wifi Hotspot coding, but it DOES work with my D3. dancedroidIt also lists the D1 and D2, Xoom, and a few other moto products even though it was designed with sony phones in mind.
I have to say I like it, I can review updates on facebook, review and "phrase" respond to my texts, look at missed calls, check the weather, answer calls, control my music player, or abuse my lost phone finder app to sonic mine a coworkers office. LOL (my favorite) These are all free apps on the google playstore and some or all have widgets that work on the smartwatch. Even though this all works via Bluetooth you'd be pleasantly suprised at the fun you can have with it. I like the display, but it sucks in direct sunlight, so far, battery is only down 15-20% since I charged it 16hours ago... of course I didn't put it to real testing until today.
I have handsfree in my stereo head unit (another Bluetooth connection) and although I didn't attempt any calls, I could see it connected fine in tandem with the smartwatch. I will try a couple of phonecalls with the handsfree while playing with the watch to make sure there's no issue later today. If there is a problem, I will update this post.
Overall Verdict: If you've got the money to spare on this gadget, it's worthwhile, fun and a definate conversation piece. I really like mine, and hopefully this is a product that I'll continue to see app support for, but a mic and/or speaker wouldn't hurt in the next version. The Smartwatch doesn't seem to have any real issues I've noticed and does all it advertises. If anyone has any questions prior to getting one or is just curious hit me up here for this Fun Gadget.