Sony Just Released the Open Source Kernel Files For The Xperia Z1


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

For all of our devs, modders and tinkerers out there in Android-land, you might be glad to hear that Sony just released the Open Source Kernel files for their new Xperia Z1 flagship. This follows their previous precedent in releasing the files before the actual hardware hits the streets. It's very much appreciated that Sony encourages developers to tinker and modify their devices instead of stifling their efforts like some OEMs. Here's a quick recap of specs for the device,
  • 5" 1080p screen
  • Snapdragon 800 processor
  • 2GB of RAM
  • 16GB of storage
  • MicroSD card slot
  • 3000mAh
  • Waterproof aluminum and glass design
  • Mid-mounted power button and physical camera shutter
The phone itself is set to launch later this month. How many devs out there plan to grab this device and create some slick mods for it?

Source: SonyMobile
As much as I want a Note 3, Sony will be on my list of phones to look at when I buy my next one. They have been doing things so damn well lastely as well as following the rules of open source.
If this comes out on Verizon, I'll be looking heavily at getting it. Though part of me is still leaning on getting an S3 out right for cheap.
If the bootloader can be unlocked, it'll likely be a toss up between this and the Nexus 5 for my next device.
Does anyone actually think this will be out on Verizon network or at least unlocked and usable on Verizon? I'm seriously doubting so, which sucks since i really wanted this phone.
Does anyone actually think this will be out on Verizon network or at least unlocked and usable on Verizon? I'm seriously doubting so, which sucks since i really wanted this phone.

Yeah, I'm guessing that too. Sony needs to get onboard with either at&t or Verizon if they want to succeed with this phone. I don't think it's a Samsung killer, but it looks like it can go toe-to-toe with the note 3 and s4 and gives us some great choices. If I can have this on straight talk, I might leave Verizon, but that remains to be seen...
If this comes to VZW and can be ROM'd the chances of my S4 ending up on swappa are ridiculously high. The tipping point is that it's waterproof and has a big battery.

Straight up SEXY from top to bottom.