So...who just had their phone taken control of by Liberty 1.5?

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But customer service is great! Considering they have 13,000 views :) there wouldn't be different versions if everything was going to be perfect.....iphone , then I phone 4.....droid 2.0 - 2.3 we all have erasers on our pencils. And some on our pens~

Sent on the fly~
I am closing this thread but just wanted to recap what happened below. If anyone has any further questions you can pm me or email me.

On 2-15-2011 I was talking to a friend showing him scripting in Liberty ROM. We were discussing a script in /system/bin called This script can be found here: installs any apps in /data/liberty/app, restores any apps in the restore directory (which can be setup in liberty settings), unzips animation files and sets up adb to fully work. After that it waits until there is a data connection and then downloads a file. If there is a link in the file it will download it. Then if that file is an app it will install it, if it is a script then it will either run it or install it depending on its file extension. This was created for update purposes and was in liberty 1.0 and rumm rx.

I wanted to show my friend Jake who I was talking to how it worked. I made a script and uploaded it to the server to download and run. I then got hung up with other things I had going at the moment and then had to go to my class. After class I realized from twitter messages that I forgot about the script so I came and responded here as soon as I could and removed the script.

The script I uploaded could only be run if the user rebooted while the script was on the server. I meant to tell my friend to reboot right when I uploaded the script and see it work and then I would remove it right away. The script googled liberty 1.5 awesome using another script in /system/lib called I used the script in /system/lib because I tried writing the script to google the words but I honestly forgot how it was done but I knew I could google something using the script in /system/lib.
Here is the contents of the script on the server:

. /system/lib/
googleIt Liberty 1.5 Awesome

The first line imports functions in /system/lib/ and then uses the googleIt function to google the words.

Now to explain more on was actually first written for two other developers (drod of rubix and matt of pheonix rom). They both approached me asking for help in writing a script to prevent people from stealing their work and removing credit. I wrote it for them and also put it in liberty. gnak foorp = kang proof backwards. Kang means to steal someone's work and remove credit. What this script does is check if system files were changed or removed that show who the rom was made by. This would never run on a normal users phone. Only a developer who was really tinkering with the rom would get this. It is very hard to trigger this script. is actually harmless. I have run everything in it on my phone several times. It chooses a random small bug to give the person who was removing credit for the rom. It might turn up and down the volume, reboot the phone, go to the homescreen, google something or make the touch screen unresponsive until you simply reboot.

Having that file in /system/lib doesn't harm anything. I run liberty and have the file there myself. I will remove the file in the next version of liberty just because I simply don't think it is needed. If someone was to take liberty rom and claim it was their own work it would be really hard to do now.

I apologize once again to anyone who was affected. It was only meant to be shown to one person but got out of hand by my human errors. Liberty ROM can be viewed by all as well as any change made in the rom. Just check out the rom and the changeset here:
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