So far it is a cool phone. Couple things I've noticed is that I don't get Email notifications for my Yahoo account and the signal seems to be weaker at my house than my previous Motorola phones. Are these known issues that nothing can be done about? Thanks!
Another thing that is annoying me is when I go to compose a text, it will not find my contacts if I type thier name but it will find them if I type in their phone number.... Hopefully I have some sort of setting checked/unchecked??
... My signal is also one bar weaker at my house, but it hasn't bothered the clarity of the phone at all. In fact the GS4 is clearer than my RAZR even with the weaker signal....
You can't compare phone signal level by the number of bars. Bars are an arbitrary mapping of decibel signal level to a visual indicator, and there is no standard stating how it is mapped. A phone with two bars may actually have a stronger signal than one with four. You can see the decibel signal level in settings/more/about phone/status or in apps such as Network Signal Info. The more positive the decibel level, the stronger the signal, so a -48db is a stronger signal than a -95db.
I also upgraded from a RAZR to a GS4 on Black Friday. My signal is also one bar weaker at my house, but it hasn't bothered the clarity of the phone at all. In fact the GS4 is clearer than my RAZR even with the weaker signal. I have a metal roof on my house and the RAZR had problems with that. The GS4, no dead spots in my house anywhere.
Battery life...I LOVE it. GS4 2 days with normal use and had 30% battery left. RAZR on stand by (no sims card) was dead at 6 PM the first day.
So far very pleased with the change. I also find the GS4 easier to get around in the menus
You can't compare phone signal level by the number of bars. Bars are an arbitrary mapping of decibel signal level to a visual indicator, and there is no standard stating how it is mapped. A phone with two bars may actually have a stronger signal than one with four. You can see the decibel signal level in settings/more/about phone/status or in apps such as Network Signal Info. The more positive the decibel level, the stronger the signal, so a -48db is a stronger signal than a -95db.