So happy to have a phone again.


New Member
Nov 18, 2009
Reaction score
What's up gang? Just joined up and thought I would post when I get some time. Wanted to say I made the switch from Storm 1 to Droid last week after moving one of our corporate New Every 2's over to my name and thank goodness that worked so I wouldn't be stuck with the Storm for another year.

I am sooooo pleased with the Droid so far, now I just need to figure out what to do with my time now that I'm not scraping at the battery to pull it out.

Plus my opinion is a little skewed coming from that POS Storm I'm impressed with just getting phone calls.

Anyway hope to be around when I can, hopefully can share some wallpapers when I get in and start making some.
:byestorm: Welcome "kegstand" to DroidForums :byestorm:

Hopefully you will come to love these Droids as many of us already do. It's Great to have you here. We hope you enjoy your time here @ DroidForums !!!

I don't miss my Storm, at all, It looks so nice perched on my dresser in it's cradle, OFF and Sleeping :p
thanks for the welcome guys funny we're talking about the Storm one of the user's at work today asked me to upgrade hers to the new 5.0 update so I took the time and did and messed with it a bit. I will say it was running a lot smoother but within 20 minutes I had to pull the battery on it. The difference this time instead of sobbing I was able to smirk as I received a text message and heard DRRRROOOOIIIIID!!