Small problem after update


New Member
Dec 11, 2010
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I've had my Bionic since it was released. I just installed the most recent software update a week ago. Since then my home screen button wont take me to the center home screen page, it stays on what ever home screen page it was on. Anyone else having this problem or know how to fix it?
Same thing happened to me. Try sliding finger up on app tray icon.

sent from my rooted ics bionic
Mine works fine, I don't know what to tell you. I'd go crazy without that function, I'm OCD when it comes to this, I have to be on the center page before opening the app tray or clicking on one of the dock apps. It feels weird if I don't.

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Tried Both suggestions

I tried both suggestions but the problem remains. And your right it might be an OCD thing, It's not a big deal but it drives me crazy. Maybe it'll fix itself when the ICS upgrade comes out.
Did you try under settings/applications/double tap home launch- none

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Mine too but if i tap home twice it takes me there.

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