Slingbox with Thunderbolt?


New Member
Dec 17, 2010
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I have a slingbox at home with my dishnetwork. On my droid 2 video is constantly cutting out. Any better experience with the Thunderbolt? Thanks.

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No problem with mine. But I didn't have any problem with it on my D1 either. Most of the dropouts/errors can be traced back to insufficient upload bandwidth or router config errors.
^Yup, I would say it has nothing to do with the phone itself.

Now, that being said, with the TB if your in a good 4G area, that will help streaming quite a bit.
^Yup, I would say it has nothing to do with the phone itself.

Now, that being said, with the TB if your in a good 4G area, that will help streaming quite a bit.

Actually, I found my ISP bandwidth was the limiting factor over everything (768k upload speeds) and that 3g and 4g were fine for the bandwidth necessary for downloading to both my D1 and TB. That being said, I fine the picture is good enough, but the latency between commands (changing channels, dvr/etc) drives me a little crazy. Otherwise, the picture is great.

On another note, I have found the MLB live stream is excellent! I wish they had the same functionality as the PC (move to specific innings, pause, rewind, fastfoward), but I like to go to the gym and jump on the treadmill and watch the opening few innings of the Red Sox, and I have been extremely impressed wit the quality this year.

Last year I was sorely disappointed in just the pacage, as the DVR functionality and jumping to innings was horrible!

In any case, I would definitely give the slingbox a thumbs up. Now I'm just waiting for netflix to come to the android.

I use my slingbox every morning with my TB. I have been traveling back and forth to San Antonio from Dallas. I get on the treadmill in the morning and watch Dallas news.

The picture is pretty decent. I put it on the HD mode and I watch the news. There are freezes once in a while, but it takes a second or two to re-sync.

I agree, there is latency with changing channels but that is expected with sending the signal to the slingbox then to the DVR (I have a Tivo).

If I wanted to, I could watch netflix through my tivo then stream to my TB. Its a great piece of hardware. The only thing that scares me is the stories of the capacitor failure after a year of use.
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