Simple question regarding terminology...


May 16, 2011
Reaction score
New Jersey
Hey guys,

Just a quick question for you guys. I have searched Google, but I am not finding me answer. Can some one please tell me what the official name or terminology is for the the three vertical dots in the upper right corner of an app in Lollipop? I am trying to write an email to a developer about a problem I am having with their app when you tap these 3 dots. I don't want to email them and call it the "3 vertical dots in the upper right corner of their app" I would like to call it by it's name, providing it has one.

Thanks guys and sorry for sounding like an idiot for this question.

Menu icon?
HAAHAA!! So simple, why didn't I think of that! lol... I guess that could be a good name for it. I guess you put the question mark after your answer because your giving a very educated guess! Would make perfect sense to me though! lol
It's what I use but I honestly don't know the "official" name of it either. Seems I've never used that term and not have the one I used it with not understand what I meant.
I think it's called the action overflow or the overflow icon. But I've always called it the menu icon. Scroll down about half way & there's a description in the Action Buttons section here: Action Bar Android Developers

Tapped from a Nexus 6
I think it's called the action overflow or the overflow icon. But I've always called it the menu icon. Scroll down about half way & there's a description in the Action Buttons section here: Action Bar Android Developers

Tapped from a Nexus 6
A term developers would understand so I'd say that's the one for the op to insert in the email.
Good find.

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I believe the hamburger menu describes the 3 line menu, not the 3 dots

Tapped from a Nexus 6

3 Line menu used to not be there before...4.0 I think? So, yes it was just 3 dots and we'd still call in a Hamburger menu, but I forgot about the 3-line menu so I guess it does bring confusion. What's even more hilarious is that Microsoft even adopted the slang for Windows phone. Better yet, when will they create a hot dog menu?