Silent phone from lockscreen?


New Member
Apr 2, 2010
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Has anyone figured out a fast way to turn the ringer off (switch the "Profile" to "Vibrate")? I found the HTC widget to do that, but you must unlock the phone, find the screen with the widget, and press it. I can't find a way to add that widget to the lockscreen, which appears to accept only apps as options. There must be a better way.
The closest I can find is to get Power Control Plus from the market, and you can add several functions to the Notification Bar, including silent mode, reboot, etc. It's an extra swipe, but basically just unlock, pull down the notifications, and select. I do miss how simple it was in my GO Droid; you just made one swipe and the phone was silent.
widget locker. its been money well spent! i can open anything i want from the lock screen. i use the ICS themed one with 3 slides(so total of 7 different things to choose from not including unlock). you could put 4(maybe even 6....or 8....i dunno) slides if you wanted and make it so you could have 9 different things on the lock screen.
widget locker. its been money well spent! i can open anything i want from the lock screen. i use the ICS themed one with 3 slides(so total of 7 different things to choose from not including unlock). you could put 4(maybe even 6....or 8....i dunno) slides if you wanted and make it so you could have 9 different things on the lock screen.

Big +1 on Widget Locker. It worked ok on my D1, but is playing very nice with the Rezound and has lots of styles and options.
After days of (ironic) silence, suddenly there's lots of excellent suggestions. I went with MrSmith417's suggestion, which is an app (not a widget) called "Silent Toggle" by Scott Keller. There are several Silent Toggle's in the Market, but the rest seem to be widgets. Because this one is an app, it uses no power and can be added to the stock lockscreen. It gives us back what we had on the OG Droid, except it leaves you on the homescreen, unlocked after you swipe. Still, I call it close enough.

(Edit:? Whoops, I just realized there's one other difference: you can't tell from a glance at the lockscreen that the ringer is on or off. You must power up and look at the notification bar. Redit: I'm an idiot -- the notification bar is at the top of the lockscreen. You can see the ringer status there.)

Since we already have a customizable lockscreen, I decided to forgo the installation of WidgetLocker. The latter does seem to have some advantages over HTC's but it may have some downsides, as well, such as possible increased power drain.
Not sure if this is what your are asking: just flip over the phone and it will turn the ringer off... no need to unlock screen...
I think that after it starts to ring, you can put the Rezound face down on a table and it will stop ringing (and go to voicemail). That's a handy feature, but certainly not the right thing if you are in a situation where a ring is rude and disruptive!
What about mashing down the volume toggle? On all my Droids it silenced the phone and put it on vibrate.
I think that after it starts to ring, you can put the Rezound face down on a table and it will stop ringing (and go to voicemail). That's a handy feature, but certainly not the right thing if you are in a situation where a ring is rude and disruptive!
That is a handy feature; I hadn't noticed it before. It also decreases the volume when you pick it up while ringing if you check "Quiet Ring on Pickup".

Regarding this thread, I went ahead and installed Silent Toggle to use on the Lock Screen for a quick shutoff, and I also have Quick Settings installed for quick access to more settings in the phone.
Coming from a Droid 2, I was disappointed that there was no easy way to silence the phone at times (going to a meeting, church, movies, etc.). However, I had been using Silent time Lite (a free app) on my D2 and planned to put it on my new Rezound. While it takes more keystrokes, with the app on the home screen (1), you can open it (2), go to menu (3), select Quick Quiet (4), then select the number of minutes/hours of silence (5), then select "Start" (6). Advantage is that you don't have to remember to turn the phone back on.
Or go with Silent Toggle. :>)