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Should i keep the fascinate? Or switch for a DX or D2G


New Member
Hi i'm coming from an LG EnV Touch in which I loved the keyboard and operation of the phone, never froze, no problems with Bluetooth, speaker, or gps. I decided to upgrade to a Droid and after alot of review I chose the fascinate. I chose it because I loved the screen, and read it was the fastest of the 3 phones I was considering, DX, D2G, and fascinate. Currently I do like this phone alot but I am having the following issues:

1) The GPS which i know everyone is having, it takes about 5-10 minutes to lock on

2) occasional freezes (which i was told happens to all android phones) never a problem on my simple ENV touch

3)Bluetooth, i connect to my Acura Tl, and it will be connected and then all a sudden during the conversation will disconnect and my car says Bluetooth link is lost. I use Bluetooth through my car all the time, so this is a big issue. This never even happened once with my env touch. I'd switch to a DX or D2G alone if this issue can't be fixed and works with the other two phones

4) keyboard, i'm not very good at typing on a screen, and am used to the keyboard of the env touch

My questions are the following:

1) will the GPS problem be fixed with the froyo upgrade (this isn't a big issue, so i'm willing to wait, since I have GPS in my car)

2)Does freezing happen with all the phones, dx, D2G, and fascinate. A verizon rep told me that the fascinate only has 384mb ram, compared to the DX and D2G having 512mb ram which was the reason my phone was locking up. He told me that 128mb is used for the graphics, but overall it makes no difference and slows down the operation of the fascinate. He said therefore both the DX and D2G are faster than the fascinate in overall performance and freeze less

3) is anyone else having this problem with bluetooth. Is the a galaxy s problem only or does it happen with the DX and D2G also? are their any fixes for this, i need my bluetooth to connect to my car and stay connected! not randomly discconet for no appranrt reaosn.

4) When i went in verizon and said i'm having trouble getting used to typing on the screen the rep told me, to swap for a DX or D2G he said DX has a bigger screen so swype and general keyboard are much easier to use. He also said that the D2G keyboard is better than the D2 keyboard, and if i'm willing to sacrifice my 4in screen for a 3.7in screen I should get a D2G for the physical keyboard.

5) Will i get used to typing on the fascinate using swype, it keeps messing up my words. Also is the 4in screen a big noticeable difference for browsing and general usage, or should i just get the D2G have a 3.7in screen and physical keyboard.

6) is the DX much bigger and less comfortable for than the fascinate? Will I notice a difference if switching to this phone? My reason for not getting the X originally was because I thought it was to bulky, and since the specs were very similar to the fascinate i chose the slightly smaller screen and lighter phone

I'm wondering in general based on what I said should I stick with the fascinate or swap. and if swapping should i get the DX or D2G?

Thanks for your help.
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Hey there!

I've been asking myself the same question recently to be honest. I bought the Fascinate a few weeks ago, and there are a lot of things I love about it, but some things really bother me. I'll try to answer your questions as best I can.

1) Yes, GPS will be supposedly fixed with the Froyo update. In fact, the leaked DJ05 software update that's floating around seems to have fixed it completely for me, which is great :).

2) There are the occassional freezes with the stock Fascinate. Have you rooted, or are you planning to root? Modifications that you can make will greatly increase the speed of the phone and get rid of most of the lag. The GPU of the Fascinate is slightly better than the DX / D2, and yes some of the RAM is dedicated to the GPU.

3) I don't use bluetooth, so unfortunately I can't say anything about that.

4) It took me a while to get used to the virtual keyboard on the Droid 1, but when I got used to it I almost never used the physical keyboard. A friend of mine has the Droid X, and I got to play with it last night. I have to say, it is easier to type on because of the bigger screen. The letters are more spaced out, and it just seems to be more fluid, since it is a multitouch keyboard. However, if you really like the physical keys, I would go with the D2Global.

5) As for screen size, after owning the Fascinate and playing with the X, I don't think I could ever go back to a screen smaller than 4". Coming from the original Droid, the screen size makes a lot of difference in everything I do with the phone. But some consider the X's 4.3" screen to be overly large.

6) In my opinion, the X is not much bigger than the Fascinate, save for the hump around the camera. It is heavier, but I would say the Fascinate is a bit too light for me. After using it outside of a Verizon store, the X really did not feel bulky at all, although I really thought it would. The phones seem to be about the same size because the X's screen takes up more space, and there is a less of a border to the phone.

Sooo, there you have it. I really like the Fascinate: the screen is gorgeous, it's completely unlocked for hacking, it's a nice size. But honestly, I have a couple weeks left of my 30 day return window, and I'm seriously considering swapping for the DX. That said, if you really really need a physical keyboard, then the best virtual board in the world isn't going to satisfy that need :). If you still have some time to exchange the phone, then I would keep playing around with it, and see if you get used to it some more. If not, and if you're not completely satisfied, then I say swap to the DX or D2. Also, just as a note, Froyo for the Fascinate is supposed to be coming by the end of the month.

Hope this helps!

EDIT: Some of the problems I have are due to call quality. Sometimes I'll hear my voice on a call, and it will be distorted and electronic sounding. The DX is said to have fantastic call quality and reception.
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To each is his own...

I however came from a an original droid to a fascinate. In the beginning I almost took it back that day, the only thing keeping me to it was the screen. It's beautiful, as you know.

I've never had a major issue with GPS. When I use it, I am always outside, and more often am driving in my car and even on the OG Droid I had better luck with GPS when I was driving.

Swype is phenomenal IMO. I type much faster on it that with a physical keyboard, and I think I may even type faster on that than on my computer. As far as the keyboard goes, I suggest you give swype a go again. It has been 99% accurate for me and if I need to add a word I simply just type it out instead of swyping. IDK if you used the tutorial on swype but I suggest you look it over. It has great features like how to add and delete a word from the swype vocab.

Overall I would stick with the fascinate, Not the Droid Global, Droid X would be my next suggestion, if it were not for the locked bootloader. I love rooting my phones, and make them so much faster, aqnd more what I want them to be, not Verizon.

Downside...BING!!!!! and FROYO...

Hope that helps. My bro has the droidx and I love it but I like the smaller size of phone just in case I have to type one handed (NOT WHILE DRIVING BTW).

Good Luck!!
I chose the Droid X over the Fascinate because Samsung is so damned slow to update the OS... Moto is a lot faster.
well even though the DX has more RAM, that just basically sayin you can run more programs at once without lag, with that being said if you use your task killer that comes with your fascinate and close some programs out at times it would not freeze and lag as much.

As far as the size of the DX and Fascinate, its really not that big of a difference for using the keyboard. And if your having issues with swype typing the wrong word, its not you its swype for those words just type them instead of swyping.

As far as the bluetooth connectivity with your car. Froyo will upgrade bluetooth connectivity as it did with the other droid devices.

And are you using google maps or stock GPS?
thanks for all your help. I'm using google maps. I hope froyo fixes GPS causes thats a big issue. I just found out you can train swype so i'm going to give that a shot. Also, i've heard unlocking it fixes alot of issues, but if I unlock I won't be able to give it back within the trial period correct? This is my main reason for not trying to root it. That and having no idea how to root it. :)

I have an extended trail period- Nov 26-Jan 15, because of the holiday season, so hopefully I'll get froyo before that, and it will help me make a final descion.
thanks for all your help. I'm using google maps. I hope froyo fixes GPS causes thats a big issue. I just found out you can train swype so i'm going to give that a shot. Also, i've heard unlocking it fixes alot of issues, but if I unlock I won't be able to give it back within the trial period correct? This is my main reason for not trying to root it. That and having no idea how to root it. :)

I have an extended trail period- Nov 26-Jan 15, because of the holiday season, so hopefully I'll get froyo before that, and it will help me make a final descion.

Sure thing! Yes, swype is awesome :). Also, rooting does indeed void your warranty, but you can unroot it if you need to return it. If you follow all the instructions, it's really not hard, but I can understand your reservations on doing it. Actually now they have a "one click root" method, where you just download an app and press a button, but I strongly suggest doing it the manual way if you plan on attempting it, just so you can get your foot in the door with hacking.

That's great that you have an extended trial! I wish I would've waited for that haha. Best of luck on your decision! You really can't go wrong either way. :D
thanks for all your help. I'm using google maps. I hope froyo fixes GPS causes thats a big issue. I just found out you can train swype so i'm going to give that a shot. Also, i've heard unlocking it fixes alot of issues, but if I unlock I won't be able to give it back within the trial period correct? This is my main reason for not trying to root it. That and having no idea how to root it. :)

I have an extended trail period- Nov 26-Jan 15, because of the holiday season, so hopefully I'll get froyo before that, and it will help me make a final descion.

Personally, I love my DX. I've had it for about a week now and I get happy every time I take it out of my pocket. As others have mentioned, I love swype! It makes texting so much faster and I'm amazed at how off I can be when swyping and it will still get the word correct. Before, I was strictly a physical keyboard user, and hated all the touch screen keyboards - they were hard to use and unresponsive. I went to play with the DX when it first came out, and played with friends' DXs, and it was the first touch screen only phone on which I was able to type as fast and as easily as a physical keyboard (and that was with the default DX keyboard).

This is a little off topic, but I was curious: Is the extended trial period a special promotion that everyone has if they buy the phone between those dates? I bought my DX on Dec 6th, but the VZW store reps never mentioned this.
I downloaded clockwork recovery to boot to recovery and installed the gingerbread keyboard, i also did a backup as well. i have been trying to reboot but I'm now stuck on the Moto logo. i have pulled the battery several times but it takes me back to the recovery screen......help ple
thanks for all your help. I'm using google maps. I hope froyo fixes GPS causes thats a big issue. I just found out you can train swype so i'm going to give that a shot. Also, i've heard unlocking it fixes alot of issues, but if I unlock I won't be able to give it back within the trial period correct? This is my main reason for not trying to root it. That and having no idea how to root it. :)

I have an extended trail period- Nov 26-Jan 15, because of the holiday season, so hopefully I'll get froyo before that, and it will help me make a final descion.

Personally, I love my DX. I've had it for about a week now and I get happy every time I take it out of my pocket. As others have mentioned, I love swype! It makes texting so much faster and I'm amazed at how off I can be when swyping and it will still get the word correct. Before, I was strictly a physical keyboard user, and hated all the touch screen keyboards - they were hard to use and unresponsive. I went to play with the DX when it first came out, and played with friends' DXs, and it was the first touch screen only phone on which I was able to type as fast and as easily as a physical keyboard (and that was with the default DX keyboard).

This is a little off topic, but I was curious: Is the extended trial period a special promotion that everyone has if they buy the phone between those dates? I bought my DX on Dec 6th, but the VZW store reps never mentioned this.

Yep! Anyone who bought a phone between November 26th and December 15th has until January 15th to return it. That's pretty awesome.

This thread was just what I was looking for. I'm between the 2 phones, DX and fascinate for my wife. Do any of you DX owners have any issues with the new 2.3 non gingerbread update. I know my buddy had a lot of freezing and wifi issues when he went to the 2.2 update. Would you buy the DX again?
I love the X. Love. It. I had only ever used a physical keyboard and didn't think I'd like the touchscreen, but the more you use it, the better you become. Also, you can set your swype to different levels depending if you're more interested in speed or accuracy. I barely have to be close to the word, and it gets it probably 99% of the time. Swype has some great videos about how to use it correctly, I watched some of those and that helped a lot too. I was having problems deciding between the D2 and DX at first, but now when I play around with the 2, I think I made the right decision. I love the screen size, especially for browsing the internet or reading forums. I never considered the Fascinate myself.
Love The Fascinate. I really dont miss 2.2 as much as I thought I would. The GPS fix is due this month. Froyo probably Jan or Feb. If you like rooting and hacking a bit, you can get rid of the issues this phone has. Bing, gps, Touchwiz, and Bloatware. If you just want a stock phone, get the X out wait it out.

If you can't get used to the virtual keyboard, then take it back!

Sent from my Fascinate using Droidforums app