Hi i'm coming from an LG EnV Touch in which I loved the keyboard and operation of the phone, never froze, no problems with Bluetooth, speaker, or gps. I decided to upgrade to a Droid and after alot of review I chose the fascinate. I chose it because I loved the screen, and read it was the fastest of the 3 phones I was considering, DX, D2G, and fascinate. Currently I do like this phone alot but I am having the following issues:
1) The GPS which i know everyone is having, it takes about 5-10 minutes to lock on
2) occasional freezes (which i was told happens to all android phones) never a problem on my simple ENV touch
3)Bluetooth, i connect to my Acura Tl, and it will be connected and then all a sudden during the conversation will disconnect and my car says Bluetooth link is lost. I use Bluetooth through my car all the time, so this is a big issue. This never even happened once with my env touch. I'd switch to a DX or D2G alone if this issue can't be fixed and works with the other two phones
4) keyboard, i'm not very good at typing on a screen, and am used to the keyboard of the env touch
My questions are the following:
1) will the GPS problem be fixed with the froyo upgrade (this isn't a big issue, so i'm willing to wait, since I have GPS in my car)
2)Does freezing happen with all the phones, dx, D2G, and fascinate. A verizon rep told me that the fascinate only has 384mb ram, compared to the DX and D2G having 512mb ram which was the reason my phone was locking up. He told me that 128mb is used for the graphics, but overall it makes no difference and slows down the operation of the fascinate. He said therefore both the DX and D2G are faster than the fascinate in overall performance and freeze less
3) is anyone else having this problem with bluetooth. Is the a galaxy s problem only or does it happen with the DX and D2G also? are their any fixes for this, i need my bluetooth to connect to my car and stay connected! not randomly discconet for no appranrt reaosn.
4) When i went in verizon and said i'm having trouble getting used to typing on the screen the rep told me, to swap for a DX or D2G he said DX has a bigger screen so swype and general keyboard are much easier to use. He also said that the D2G keyboard is better than the D2 keyboard, and if i'm willing to sacrifice my 4in screen for a 3.7in screen I should get a D2G for the physical keyboard.
5) Will i get used to typing on the fascinate using swype, it keeps messing up my words. Also is the 4in screen a big noticeable difference for browsing and general usage, or should i just get the D2G have a 3.7in screen and physical keyboard.
6) is the DX much bigger and less comfortable for than the fascinate? Will I notice a difference if switching to this phone? My reason for not getting the X originally was because I thought it was to bulky, and since the specs were very similar to the fascinate i chose the slightly smaller screen and lighter phone
I'm wondering in general based on what I said should I stick with the fascinate or swap. and if swapping should i get the DX or D2G?
Thanks for your help.
1) The GPS which i know everyone is having, it takes about 5-10 minutes to lock on
2) occasional freezes (which i was told happens to all android phones) never a problem on my simple ENV touch
3)Bluetooth, i connect to my Acura Tl, and it will be connected and then all a sudden during the conversation will disconnect and my car says Bluetooth link is lost. I use Bluetooth through my car all the time, so this is a big issue. This never even happened once with my env touch. I'd switch to a DX or D2G alone if this issue can't be fixed and works with the other two phones
4) keyboard, i'm not very good at typing on a screen, and am used to the keyboard of the env touch
My questions are the following:
1) will the GPS problem be fixed with the froyo upgrade (this isn't a big issue, so i'm willing to wait, since I have GPS in my car)
2)Does freezing happen with all the phones, dx, D2G, and fascinate. A verizon rep told me that the fascinate only has 384mb ram, compared to the DX and D2G having 512mb ram which was the reason my phone was locking up. He told me that 128mb is used for the graphics, but overall it makes no difference and slows down the operation of the fascinate. He said therefore both the DX and D2G are faster than the fascinate in overall performance and freeze less
3) is anyone else having this problem with bluetooth. Is the a galaxy s problem only or does it happen with the DX and D2G also? are their any fixes for this, i need my bluetooth to connect to my car and stay connected! not randomly discconet for no appranrt reaosn.
4) When i went in verizon and said i'm having trouble getting used to typing on the screen the rep told me, to swap for a DX or D2G he said DX has a bigger screen so swype and general keyboard are much easier to use. He also said that the D2G keyboard is better than the D2 keyboard, and if i'm willing to sacrifice my 4in screen for a 3.7in screen I should get a D2G for the physical keyboard.
5) Will i get used to typing on the fascinate using swype, it keeps messing up my words. Also is the 4in screen a big noticeable difference for browsing and general usage, or should i just get the D2G have a 3.7in screen and physical keyboard.
6) is the DX much bigger and less comfortable for than the fascinate? Will I notice a difference if switching to this phone? My reason for not getting the X originally was because I thought it was to bulky, and since the specs were very similar to the fascinate i chose the slightly smaller screen and lighter phone
I'm wondering in general based on what I said should I stick with the fascinate or swap. and if swapping should i get the DX or D2G?
Thanks for your help.
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