should i get moto or eris?


Active Member
Nov 17, 2009
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i cant decide
i really like the idea of a super high res. screen, and 5mp cam. and physical keyboard,
but i here all about bad things about the keyboard, camera, headphone port, and battery life (my 4 main concerns)
and so idk if it would be better if i got an eris
please dont get mad, i just need your help,
I have a droid, and have had no problems with my screen, the camera has / had an issue which is also getting fixed on the 11th. The physical keyboard takes time getting used to, if you want to use it. I like being able to switch, sometimes i just hate the on-screen keyboard. If battery life is a huge issue for you then you will most likely hate the eris with a bloody passion, most users are reporting about 4 hour charge. While the droid is walking around with a 7-8. Both are reported to be moderate to heavy usage.

But truely try both phones out and make your decision from there. Some people just like the eris more, and some the droid more. And if you get one and find out you've made the worst decision in your life, then take it back and for 35 bucks (after 3 days i believe) you can get yourself the other one.

Preferably I like the droid more. It's more robust, powerful and just i'm not sure if i could deal with a 4 hour battery. These are just my thoughts, take them for what they are worth.
o, i didnt know the eris had worse batter?
thats good to know, then i think i will go with the droid. i like to have the choice to have a physical keyboard (and i think it would make browsing better).
thanks for the imput

what about the headphone port? is it as high quality/ good sounding as my ipod touch?
I'm not sure about the headphones port, i mean i've used it about 5 times, and the sound quality that came out seemed good. As I didn't have an ipod around to test the difference of the two, i couldn't tell you which one was better or worse, maybe another member can. I've never really had a problem with it, but seeing as i've only used it 5 or so times, if there was something wrong with it, i most likely wouldn't know.
Mostly people are posting looking for advice or help (which I've found the android community to be great with) so there's a bit of selection bias going on.

Personally, this device feels like a small, very customizable computer to me while the eris, for the admittedly short time I handled it, felt more like a phone (albeit a very smart and slick one). I can stretch the battery all day while streaming internet radio over wifi for 3-4 hours, syncing, using the browser, checking email, and keeping the screen at full brightness because, dammit, it's gorgeous.

In any case, if you're worried about getting a dud, people with hardware issues have been able to exchange their units and the upcoming update may solve some issues, if you don't mind waiting a bit.

edit: had an ipod touch for two years previous to this, and the sound quality is at least as good using the same headphones. I haven't switched back and forth for a head to head comparison tho. I ended up giving the ipod away a few days after getting the droid.
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thanks guys, great help. i'm probably going to get the moto droid then, i was mostly positive i wanted it anyway.

the only thing now is if i should sell my itouch or not. just worried about sound quality (i guess ill try out the droid when i get it and go from there)
Getting the Droid is definitely the right call.

If I were you, I'd keep the iPod Touch in your bookbag or coat pocket or something as an entertainment device to help conserve your Droid's battery unless you're hard-up for cash.

The audio quality on the Droid is pretty great as long as you've got a good set of headphones. The only complain I heard is that my mic sounded kind of quiet, but that might be because I had a crappy headset plugged in.
HTC's website states it's talk time is 214 min, compared to the droid's 384. While people can STRETCH out a battery all day if they wanted to, the pure usage of the phone is still what it is. On the droid i can make it to 10-15 hours, doesn't mean that's what most do. Merely reporting the average usage drains and what their websites say.
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Droid has a bigger battery, efficient processor and an AMOLED screen. All things that definitely don't hurt battery life.
Droid has a bigger battery, efficient processor and an AMOLED screen. All things that definitely don't hurt battery life.

droid only has a 100 mAh better battery. Nothing that should warrant over 120 minute difference in talk time between the two units.
Droid has a bigger battery, efficient processor and an AMOLED screen. All things that definitely don't hurt battery life.

droid only has a 100 mAh better battery. Nothing that should warrant over 120 minute difference in talk time between the two units.

Not by itself, no, but when you combine it with those other factors it probably adds up. Android 2.0 might also be more efficient than earlier versions.
It's not a dud when HTC's website even states it's talk time is 214 min, compared to the droid's 384. While people can STRETCH out a battery all day if they wanted to, the pure usage of the phone is still what it is. On the droid i can make it to 10-15 hours, doesn't mean that's what most do. Merely reporting the average usage drains and what their websites say.

I meant to say, I can easily get the droid's battery to last all day when doing all sorts of battery-taxing things (I can't speak for the eris at all. I've only played with it in the store.)
It's not a dud when HTC's website even states it's talk time is 214 min, compared to the droid's 384. While people can STRETCH out a battery all day if they wanted to, the pure usage of the phone is still what it is. On the droid i can make it to 10-15 hours, doesn't mean that's what most do. Merely reporting the average usage drains and what their websites say.

I meant to say, I can easily get the droid's battery to last all day when doing all sorts of battery-taxing things (I can't speak for the eris at all. I've only played with it in the store.)

Sorry thought you meant the eris.. i've edit my posting :) sorry about that.
Droid has a bigger battery, efficient processor and an AMOLED screen. All things that definitely don't hurt battery life.

droid only has a 100 mAh better battery. Nothing that should warrant over 120 minute difference in talk time between the two units.

Not by itself, no, but when you combine it with those other factors it probably adds up. Android 2.0 might also be more efficient than earlier versions.

Or that the sense UI is just that much of a hog.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. A UI overlay would probably hurt battery life since it's another process that's pretty much always running.