Shopping list app?


New Member
Nov 13, 2009
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I am having a really hard time finding a simple shopping list app that I like.
Mostly, I just want to be able to reorder the items. I don't care about prices, tax etc.

It would be a bonus if when I am typing in an item a list of previous items that I've typed in that match what I'm typing showed up.

Anyone find anything like this?
I am SO spoiled by Handyshopper from Palm and later Windows Mobile versions, I can't find a shopping list app I am really happy with. I have settled for now on Upvise because it has really nice cloud synching, but the UI needs some work to make it easier to build my current list from my 757 item base list, and it is too easy to accidentally check off an item when shopping and doesn't have an undo, so I am still looking for something better.

I downloaded one called HUNGRY! . It works well and adds the items you type in so you can add them next time without typing.
awesome thanks so much for the suggestions - hungry seems like it's exactly what I was looking for.
I have Smart Shopper and it's very easy to use after you set it up with you shopping items.
I downloaded one called HUNGRY! . It works well and adds the items you type in so you can add them next time without typing.

This looks pretty good but in a very long list of items, there doesn't seem to be a way to jump to it without scrolling. Almost there though.

OK, found OurGroceries in another thread. Meets all of my needs except doesn't look like I can import my base list. Has multiple lists, and when you add an item, as you type it in it will search your existing base list and make suggestions as you type. If nothing found, then it adds the item to the list. Whenyou mark somethingoff, it moves to the bottom of the list, but waits 20 minutes before removing fromthe active list (still in the base list) so if you mark off in error, you have time to undo it.

Has a recipe function where you can tie incredients to your favorite recipies to quickly add them to the shopping list.

Syncs with other droids and/or iphones so if you have multiple in the family, you share a list and know if something on your shared list has been purchased by another family member.

Looks like the real deal to me.....

I had a program on the iPhone called ShoppingList which was awesome... hoping this OurGroceries is similar
I use grocery IQ on my ipod and really like that one. I just looked at ourgroceries and the one thing I don't care for is the items are sorted alphabetically instead of by aisle or category. I've used grocery king, not too bad but the interface is a bit of a pain. Some adjustments and additions to the database and it would be nice.
Just curious, is there anything out there that allows you to speak the item and convert it to the list? Kind of like handcent voice to text option. I've been looking but haven't seen anything.
I'm also looking for something different than OI Shopping list, after accidentally hitting "clean up" and losing my list of checked items.

I'm looking for a good master list where I can show all, select what I want for the next trip, hide everything else, and have items hide as I check them off.

I'll take a look at ourgroceries and see if that'll work.
OurGroceries makes me happy

I read through all of the posts and decided to try a few... The only one I really seem to like is the OurGroceries checklist... It can hold searchable items as well as commonly used recipes to help make list-making easier. I look forward to getting my fiance an android phone and testing out the list sync features...
Maybe look into Note Everything Pro, specifically the 'durable checklist' option.