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Ok so the best way for him to replace his nokia phone on his orange cell phone plan would be to have verizon unlock the sim? Than he would just be able to put his card in?
as far as ive been able to read ( never been oustside the US with my cell ) but im sure thats all it takes. just call verizon and i bet they could assist you
To get the unlock code the phone must be active on your VZW account for 60+ days (sometimes it's possible to work around this), and you must have 6 months of clean billing history (that is an absolute must).
just have him slap in a pre-paid simcard, or call verizon to unlock the sim
Ok thanks i'll try to get a unlock code for the phone without having it on my account. If they wont give it to me ill have to have my global unlocked and send it with him and than use the other one.
If you have another Droid on the account, you can unlock the non-activated one easily since I think they just ask you about the IMEI number of the phone to unlock (they don't have it in their database, it appears).
Bear in mind, however, that if you do get the unlock code, you won't be able to unlock another phone for 6 months.
Make sure you unlocked them by inputting the unlock code.
There were some cases where people thought that the phones were unlocked after they called Global Support and the support guys just enabled the Global plan for the phone.