This is very interesting then...
I booted in to recovery, Advanced, Fix Permissions (completed in less than 2 seconds). Rebooted the phone and launched JRummy's ROM Tool Box. From their I chose ROM Manager, Fonts and selected a font (I've picked several at random to see if they work). In this instance I choose the first ADarkWedding Fonts. From the Do you want to download prompt I click "Yes". It downloads in seconds and prompts me: Do you want to install ADarkWedding Fonts? I chose, "Install Now". I am then faced with a ROM Pre-Installation prompt in which Wipe Dalvik is alredy selected, Backup Existing ROM and Wipe Data & Cache are not selected, I choose to accept the defaults and click "Continue". The next window is "Reboot and Install". I'm prompted with "Are you sure you want to reboot in to clockwork recovery and install ADarkWedding Fonts? I answer, "Yes" and it changes to Rebooting...for a brief moment I see that ROM Tools is granted superuser permissions and the phone reboots. Very quickly it drops to the Triangle Andy image, I have to hit vol+/vol- and select reboot. It takes a little longer than normal to get past the "Dual Core" screen but otherwise boots normally and no font is installed.
I'm going to try another tool, say the free version of Font Installer, and report back here, my successes and failure.
Please, if you see error with my above process please call them out.
EDIT: After that wonderful write up I beleive I found my issue already...I'm using his ROM Toolbox Pro and you'r using his Root Tools. I just bought Root Tools and I'll give that a try.
2nd EDIT: Confirmed...when you use the correct application the expected results are much more likely! Thanks for your help, Root Tools works like a champ and ROM Toolbox Pro does not, alas.