Screen protector-less?


New Member
Jan 5, 2010
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Anyone going without a screen protector? If so, how's the screen holding up?

I'm currently using a Zagg Invisible Shield -- and loving it -- but thinking the clear glass just might show off my photos a little bit better.


Happy Thanksgiving.
Lots run without. Most would never miss not having a screen protector. Invariably there will be some who wish they had one though.

Swyped while being lazy in the DXForumApp
No screen protector here. Never used one on the Dare I had either. My screen is still looking flawless.

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Anyone going without a screen protector? If so, how's the screen holding up?

I'm currently using a Zagg Invisible Shield -- and loving it -- but thinking the clear glass just might show off my photos a little bit better.


Happy Thanksgiving.

Does the screen protector show smudges like the screen? I'm thinking of going with a Zagg
Going to go without a protector for now here.

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No screen protector here on my X, They wasn't one on the DI or D1 that I had...
I used a zagg shield for a while, but it began to deteriorate over time, just as has happened to me in the past with zagg shields. I'm now going naked and loving it. The screen is still in great shape.

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My Dx does not have a protector. Doing great.

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