Screen Awake app


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Sep 5, 2010
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This free app is available from the Gear Store for every generation and model Tizen os using Galaxy Gear.
This app if left running is a battery hog because it keeps the screen from sleeping. User settable for full bright or dim. When not active it uses 0 battery.
Though it can be used to keep your watch face awake all the time that's an option in the watch's menu already so this isn't so much for that. Where it shines is for those of us who don't want to change our timeout but need a longer one at times. If you've been using it and want to kill it out a simple press of the home button does it and the watch will return to its set time to sleep the screen, a nice thing when using an app that more time was needed to read the screen but now you're done. Just enable the app, tap the full or dim, tap home button, open the app you're going to need more screen on time for, when done tap home button, both the app you were using closes and SA is killed as well.


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