New Member
Having some problems with my Droid X. Basically, it wont charge, the camera button wont work, and I dont get data. My phone went from working perfectly to all of these problems shortly after I SBF'd to .340. For more details you can see this thread Ive been typing on in droidxforums:
(Im not OP, but I have same problems as OP. I chime in a few posts down.)
The couple people that have been helping me out there seem like it might be hardware failure, but figured I could use a few more opinions before I get a new phone entirely.
Thanks so much for your help!
(Im not OP, but I have same problems as OP. I chime in a few posts down.)
The couple people that have been helping me out there seem like it might be hardware failure, but figured I could use a few more opinions before I get a new phone entirely.
Thanks so much for your help!