Samsung Takes a Swing at the iPhone in New Video Ad

I don't use, or need, wireless or quick charging because this beast has a battery that easily gets me through even the heaviest of days.

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Beast Mode 4
They have yet to make a battery that gets me through a heavy day...

Tap'n Turbo
I stopped using qi charging as much, because it was making my cases fit sloppy..but always use my turbo charger..considering getting the mobile version from Motorola.

I like qi charging, but I don't like what it does to your case over the course of a year. And I don't like how with some devices, it obviously wasn't filling it all the way up.. So difference in charge quality possibly??
The irony is that Samsung is getting more and more like Apple in their designs, no SD, non-removable battery, etc... While Apple and iOS are copying more and more Android features...

The differences between them are less than they have been... At this point, even I am considering an iPhone for my next device...
Aesthetics are the only real similarities between the Galaxy series and the iPhone. And the latest rumors say the S7 will include an ext sd card, so at least Samsung is listening to the consumer. What really matters is the Android eco system, the customization options, and all the extras Samsung bakes in. I'm surprised Apple still hasn't jumped on the quick charge bandwagon. But then look how long it took them to incorporate NFC.
Aside from a great camera, nothing within an iPhone appeals to me.
I doubt it. Now that phones are pretty much coming in 32gb and 64gb models, the need for a slower SD card is not much... A few people in forums who feel that they must have 13 years of photos and every song that they own with them at all times, is shrinking...

I have a Nexus 6 32GB. I have 325 MP3 songs, my apps, some PDF's and like 1300 pics and cell phone videos and some other stuff, and I still have 12GB free...

Us, the entusiasts, represent a fraction of 1 percent of the market, and of us, a lot of us don't care about SD cards any more.

It mattered when a phone only came with 8gb or 16gb and the OS took up half of that...

My iPad Air 2 is 64GB, and it has the same 325 songs and pics, and it also has 12 DVD rips including the extended directors cuts of LOTR, all in 1080p... It still has like 28gb free... and that is with a dozen games installed as well...

It just isn't the feature that it used to... you just have some people that want it because that's what they are used to, but most consumers don't care...

The average consumer doesn't care about customization... People here and XDA will spend a day rooting and modding and tweaking to change the color of their notification icons because their OCD dictates it MUST BE THIS WAY! LOL

Great, Android allows that, go for it. But again, most people just don't care...

My point was that Samsung is making their phones look more and more like Apple devices, and Apple is slowly but surely adding more Android features...

They finally got bigger screens. They are adding more storage. Their notification area is actually pretty good. They are fast, more secure, get timely updates and more of them. iOS 9 has better multitasking and some cool stuff going on...

There are differences still, but the gap is narrowing...
I use both Qi and Turbo charging. I use Qi when I know I'm going to be at my desk and need to just set it down for a while. The closest outlet to my desk is ridiculously far away in this place and the wireless charger is just more convenient.

Still, I love how other companies are slamming Apple. I've stopped caring because all they do is remind me how obnoxious Apple was during the 'Apple vs. PC' ads. Ugh...Love Justin Long but why did he have to do those...
I doubt it. Now that phones are pretty much coming in 32gb and 64gb models, the need for a slower SD card is not much... A few people in forums who feel that they must have 13 years of photos and every song that they own with them at all times, is shrinking...

I have a Nexus 6 32GB. I have 325 MP3 songs, my apps, some PDF's and like 1300 pics and cell phone videos and some other stuff, and I still have 12GB free...

Us, the entusiasts, represent a fraction of 1 percent of the market, and of us, a lot of us don't care about SD cards any more.

It mattered when a phone only came with 8gb or 16gb and the OS took up half of that...

My iPad Air 2 is 64GB, and it has the same 325 songs and pics, and it also has 12 DVD rips including the extended directors cuts of LOTR, all in 1080p... It still has like 28gb free... and that is with a dozen games installed as well...

It just isn't the feature that it used to... you just have some people that want it because that's what they are used to, but most consumers don't care...

The average consumer doesn't care about customization... People here and XDA will spend a day rooting and modding and tweaking to change the color of their notification icons because their OCD dictates it MUST BE THIS WAY! LOL

Great, Android allows that, go for it. But again, most people just don't care...

My point was that Samsung is making their phones look more and more like Apple devices, and Apple is slowly but surely adding more Android features...

They finally got bigger screens. They are adding more storage. Their notification area is actually pretty good. They are fast, more secure, get timely updates and more of them. iOS 9 has better multitasking and some cool stuff going on...

There are differences still, but the gap is narrowing...
Try to shoot a 4K video that's longer than 5-10 minutes and then tell me extSD cards are no longer needed. Especially if you've only got a 16 or 32GB device to start with. Having the ability to pop in a new card and continue shooting is a great feature. Especially if you have spotty coverage which prevents you from quickly uploading it to the cloud.
Rumors have already started that point to Samsung putting an extSD card slot in the upcoming S7. The people have spoken and Samsung is listening. Sure, those that have never had the option to begin with, have dealt with it just fine, but that still doesn't negate the convenience of it all.
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What he said. I just shot 10 seconds of 4K = 64 mb. That's roughly 360mb per minute. Store a few minutes if that on your 32gb N6.

Tap'n Turbo
Try to shoot a 4K video that's longer than 5-10 minutes and then tell me extSD cards are no longer needed. Especially if you've only got a 16 or 32GB device to start with. Having the ability to pop in a new card and continue shooting is a great feature. Especially if you have spotty coverage which prevents you from quickly uploading it to the cloud.
Rumors have already started that point to Samsung putting an extSD card slot in the upcoming S7. The people have spoken and Samsung is listening. Sure, those that have never had the option to begin with, have dealt with it just fine, but that still doesn't negate the convenience of it all.

We shall see if they "listen" to the vocal minority... Until 4K TV's are the norm, I don't see a lot of people caring about taking 4K video over 1080p...

I think that we enthusiasts get a false sense of "normal" from these forums.

The average consumer doesn't know what a bootloader or root are, what they do, or even know that they exist. All the things that people get worked up into a tizzy over here and on XDA, are the 0.025% of the phone market that are nerds and get all tingly in their boxer shorts over specs. Most people don't know, and don't care, and they buy a lot more phones than we do.

We are not seeing flagship phones coming with 8-16gb any more. Most start at 32gb, and are now going to 64gb and up.

Apple has NEVER had SD slots on their phones, and that doesn't stop them from selling a gazillion of them each year, does it? Do people with iPhones not take pics or videos?

Even for people that do take 4k videos, which I submit to you is very rare among the general population... how many need to store them on their phone?

And "just slapping in a new card" oftentimes requires you to power the phone down, remove your protective case, remove the back plate, sometimes pop out the battery to get to the slot, then swap them and put it all back together and reboot,,,

Frankly, not all that convenient... I see most people taking videos and then downloading them off to a PC or laptop via USB.

What would be ideal, is just to have an OTG cable to to a little portable HD in your pocket and just save stuff to that if you really need to video a 25 minute wedding ceremony at full 4k...
4k tv's may not be commonplace....yet, but I take pictures and video at the highest resolution possible.

Sent from my Verizon Galaxy Note4 using Tapatalk
I do as well. And you don't need to power down & remove the battery to replace the sd card (at least not since the S3), simply unmount the sd card, remove the back, replace card and continue on. Easy peasy. No carrying around your laptop, or flash drive and OTG cable.
(Of course that's just my preference....I know there are ways around this if you don't have an SD card, but this method works just fine for me)
1080p wasn't common 3 years ago. And what...we are supposed to keep waiting on manufacturers to build phones with bigger and bigger memory? We're going to need 512mb phones soon.
Wouldn't it just be cheaper and easier to provide a slot?
And I never unmounted the card in my HD. Not once. Pop it out, pop it in. Never had a problem.

Tap'n Turbo
I don't usually unmount mine either, but that's what you're "supposed" to do. And being that this is a public forum, I didn't want to not say it and risk someone borking their sd card because of it.