Over the years many things have improved when it comes to smartphone technology. 5 years ago it would be hard to believe we would eventually have a device in our pockets that was on par and in some cases higher powered then our desktops and laptops. Smartphones have advanced in every way except for in their battery life. We now have 2K QHD displays, octacore processors, lots of ram, high end graphics cards, and some pretty amazing software. The only advancement we have seen so far is pretty much just larger batteries, and some software enhancements to improve battery life, but no real breakthrough technology.
Today Samsung announced a huge discovery that should double battery life. The way they are getting better battery life is by coating the battery with graphene. The material is conductive and can be grown on a silicon carbide and then can be combined with a lithium ion battery. This could achieve a battery lasting 1.5-1.8 times longer than current batteries of the same size. The technology could be used in all kinds of ways including extending the range of electric powered cars. Hopefully this won't mean the same battery life and thinner devices. I would love to see a 3,000mah battery that could last two days!
via Samsung