Here's a rumor we whole-heartedly hope is hogwash. Supposedly, an unnamed Samsung executive was quoted indicated that the United States version of "the Next Galaxy/SGS3" will not come with a a quad-core Exynos processor from Samsung, but instead will come with an unnamed Qualcomm chip. Here was the supposed quote,
“Samsung plans to release its Galaxy S III smartphone according to different specifications and different markets. For European consumers, it will use 3G and the company’s own quad-core mobile APs, while its own solution that combines LTE, 3G and quad-core mobile APs will be used for the Korean version. But only in the United States, will Samsung use Qualcomm chips.”
There were no specifics given as to why this would be the case, but we will bring you more details if they emerge. For now, we find this bit of info highly suspect, so simply take it with a "pound" of salt. At the very least, we will know for sure on May 3rd.
In separate news, there are more reports that Qualcomm may end up with a chip shortage sometime this year. Apparently, they are very popular with all the smartphone OEMs and will have a hard time keeping up with demand. Qualcomm CEO Paul Jacobs admitted, “Although the manufacturing yields are progressing per expectation, there’s a shortage of 28-nanometer capacity. And at this stage, we cannot secure enough supply to meet the increasing demand we’re experiencing. We’re working closely with our partners to bring additional capacity online.”
Source: UnWiredView