So, I've rooted, un-rooted, and I'm ready to do it again. When everyone talks about back-ups and wiping, does that mean that you have to redo everything each time you flash a rom? Apps, email settings, etc?
When changing ROMs, and sometimes big updates for a ROM it is highly recommended to wipe. Which would kill your apps, text messages, call logs, settings....etc basically everything that isn't on your sdcard. There are some things you can do that can make wiping a little less of an obstacle. If you are updating from build 8 to build 9 of the same ROM, it may not be necessary to wipe. But if you go from ROM A to ROM B, a wipe is probably necessary.
There are a lot of different methods to make a backup. The main one, and arguably the most important, is to make a backup in your custom recovery. This is because if something goes wrong with your current ROM, you can easily get back to your old setup that you know works, and has a good.
Some other methods: Titanium Backup, mybackup, or some other similar app is very helpful if you are someone that wipes quite often. These can backup apps, app data, and quite a bit of other stuff. System things can be backed up as well, but restoring them is probably going to cause problems (this is the main reason you are wiping to begin with).
If you use a custom launcher they quite often have settings to save your home screen setup and settings for the launcher, which you can then restore once you restore things. There are many other apps that have backups built into them, some save things to sdcard, some use cloud based saves.
I can go into more details if you want.