root checker

Well, I'm currently rooted and mine says 1/1, so I suppose it's at least accurate there. I'm going to temp-unroot and see if it changes.
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I agree with this, but the oldest one is the first one above, and yet the earliest mention of the new "feature" is the second one above, and this thread is the second mention, the link above is the third (bsweetness). I think we will leave the warranty thread and consolidate this and the link immediately above into here.

Yep makes perfect sense, no one responded to that other one so this is a keeper. I just temp un-rooted and I still have 1/1.
Yep makes perfect sense, no one responded to that other one so this is a keeper. I just temp un-rooted and I still have 1/1.

I decided to merge all three mentions here instead, and leave the warranty thing by itself.
FoxKat did you see the same result I did when doing a temp unroot? Mine was still showing 1/1.
Mine shows double goose eggs.
Mine shows double goose eggs.

And you have never rooted correct? So there might be some weight to this, course the question remains will Verizon check that when sending a phone back.
We need 94lt1 to check his unrooted Maxx and report back whether he has 0/0. It would also be interesting to find out what the qe is for unrooted RAZR's with the .215 leak.