Thunderbolt users! MIUI is now available for your phone.... well sorta! Yes MIUI is being ported to the Thunderbolt as we speak, and the developers are really making headway with that port. However, It is very much in its beta stage and just about everything is still broken.
While progress is being made, in the meantime, the developer "ROMIFIED" has put together an outstanding ROM which he is calling "The closest thing to MIUI until MIUI hits". His Rom IBOLT v0.90 is built on Dhacker's ShiftAO5P Hack3d and comes chock full of MIUI goodies such as MIUI launcher, MIUI camera, MIUI music, Miren MIUI browser, MIUI wallpapers, and a custom MIUI bootanimation, It is MIUI themed and much more.

This should easily keep you entertained until we get official MIUI on our Thunderbolt handsets!
By DroidModderX
Source: http://www.droidforums.net/forum/th..._d-ibolt-v0-90-aosp-based-miui-style-rom.html