ROM Features


New Member
Jan 25, 2012
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Hey everybody.

At this point, I've rooted a few times, as well as flashed different ROMs to my DX.
I'm at the point now where I'm trying to find the best ROM for me, and I was wondering if there was a list of some sort where the best aspects of each ROM.
I know CM is great for customization, but not for battery life.. and Liberty is great for both.

At the very least, I'd like to know which mod would be best for customization and overclocking. Battery life isn't really an issue for me, so I'm thinking CM7.. but if there are any other good mods for me out there, definitely let me know.

How is Liquid for DX?

Let me know what you guys think.
I think a lot of these type of questions are very subjective. Everyone has their preferences. Personally the Rom that I liked best on the X was miui. More customizable than any other Rom as far as user interface but I never got into messing with anything else like overclocking.

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I suggest trying miui defx, encounterICS, and cm7 first.
MIUI- You either love it or hate it. But if you love it nothing else will measure up.
encICS- android 4.0 w/o camera ..nuff said.
cm7- my favorite and similar in style/feel to other roms.

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I suggest trying miui defx, encounterICS, and cm7 first.
MIUI- You either love it or hate it. But if you love it nothing else will measure up.
encICS- android 4.0 w/o camera ..nuff said.
cm7- my favorite and similar in style/feel to other roms.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums

Agreed. I have miui ics on my droid x. I am one of those that love it and no other rom compares.

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