Rom developer "Davros" has been plugging away at his Droid Concepts Rom for the Galaxy Nexus and has released his update to Android 4.2.2. This Rom is packed with features including Custom Buckmarble Kernel, AOKP navbar and navring settings, transparent navbar settings, center clock, custom bootanimation, Droid Concept Wallpapers App, Trickster Mod app, AOKP Quick settings, Chronus Clock widget, Power menu edits, Power button torch mod, dual panel mode, MIUI battery bar, inverted contacts, inverted mms, cm theme manager, DC beats, volume rocker wake, volume rocker track change, long press kill, headphones load music app, native tethering enabled, start lockscreen widgets maximized, custom LED settings, long press lock to unlock, clear all in recent apps, customizable lockscreen targets, PIE nav, custom carrier label, inverted calendar, inverted email and more.
This Rom has been tweaked and modded for superior performance and battery life. Of course the Rom is now based on Android 4.2.2 the latest version of Android. The Rom also has all GAPPS built in so you won't need to find and flash a separate GAPPS package.
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