This is straight from Team BAMF Forum's, please visit the site and original post for downloads!
(Do not post alternate download links here without their permission!)
(http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1416638This is NOT my ROM, I am simply re-posting it here for us)
Credits to Team BAMF and dsb9938
BAMF Rezound Cubed 1.0.1
*Pics are of the themed version, you should mostly know what to expect from the stockish version.
There are two versions of this rom, one with only MODs and one with the same MODs that is highly themed. Please download the one you prefer, or both, and enjoy.
Whats included:Included in the Themed version only:
- Rooted
- Deodexed
- Zipaligned
- Mostly debloated - VZW framework remains, along with Visual Voicemail and Backup Assistant
- BAMF Settings - erishasnobattery
- Advanced Quick Settings/StatusBar - ihftp69
- Advanced Power Menu - erishasnobattery
- My kernel version 1.1.3 (any kernel may be flashed over the ROM, but do not forget the WiFi module)
- HTC Hub - erishasnobattery
- Init.d support
- Contacts fix - erishasnobattery
- Car Panel and Clock in app drawer - erishasnobattery
- Removed GPS - erishasnobattery
- Root Browser app - jrummy16
- NANO editer
- sysrw/sysro scripts
- Busybox - Adrynalyne's build
- All apps updated
- Unpaged App Drawer - JMZ
- 6x5 App Drawer
- Restored to app drawer: Dock Mode, Quick Lookup, Connected Media, Adobe Reader, Mirror, Facebook Chat, Camcorder
- Titanium Backup
- Call History in Contacts
- Six Signal Bar MOD
- Overscroll
- ICS Font
- Colored Status Bar icons
- Themed Apps: MMS, Mail, Gmail, Calendar, Browser, Contacts, Dialer, Talk
- Boot and shutdown animations from JaeKar99 (slightly modified by me for the Rezound)
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