ROLL CALL: Obsessed with your DROID

I'm still waiting for the magic to happen and as of right now I'm still closely attached to my iPhone. When should I expect that cataclism?
I would say I am slightly addicted to my Droid and this Forum.... Wife might argue that it's more than slightly...
I don't have my droid yet but it's suppose to be coming through FEDEX Express Overnight today and I can't wait till' it comes I am totally obsessed already and I don't have it yet eather! LOL:icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana: sorry Couldn't resist! LOL
You are all KraZy. It's just a phone. Wait, did I say that? (sorry, wife was watching me type. I take it back.)
Since 12.8.09 and I'm paranoid that someone close to me is plotting to have Droid offed... Droid sleeps with me... Droid eats with me... Droid even takes craps with me (no revelation here. LOL).

Everyone in my house knows they've gone done one notch on the priority board...... sorry kids.
I'm still waiting for the magic to happen and as of right now I'm still closely attached to my iPhone. When should I expect that cataclism?

You probably won't get it. If you're an iPhone person then that's the way it is. Not everybody gets the thrill, I've seen many people in Crackberry leave the Droid for the comfy warms of their Storm 2.
Yes, I'm definitely obsessed....

Last night after upgrading to Google Voice 0.30 to get rid of the dupe SMS problem, I sat there and played with the phone for an hour to make sure it was working as it should. Everytime the wife walked in the room I had to quickly put it down so she wouldn't comment on how much time I was spending on it. It was like drugs or porn.

I love this phone.
I'm sorry, what was the question? I'm way too busy having a blast with my new DROID to answer your post on if I'm addicted to my DROID!
I think I need help and need to go to DA, I'm always texting, chatting, FBing or checking out cool apps, or playing with it.
The wife says the only time I look up at the TV is when a Droid commercial is on, I smile then go back to staring at this wonder of technology.:motdroidhoriz:

My husband says the same about me.
I'm still waiting for the magic to happen and as of right now I'm still closely attached to my iPhone. When should I expect that cataclism?

You probably won't get it. If you're an iPhone person then that's the way it is. Not everybody gets the thrill, I've seen many people in Crackberry leave the Droid for the comfy warms of their Storm 2.
Well I haven't given up on it yet Hook. I just need to get used to the smaller (narrower) screen and it will take some time for developers to get with the apps, but I much prefer Verizon wireless to AT&T. If it doesn't make it, then so be it, but I have to try.

Does anyone know if there is a Facebook Bejeweled Blitz app?

You do realize the screen as a whole is slightly bigger with better resolution right?