ROLL CALL: Obsessed with your DROID

Got my Droid for Christmas, and aside from sleeping, I don't think there has been so much as a 10-minute period in which my phone was not in my hand at least once.

No sign of this obsession wearing off soon, and I don't think it's your typical new-toy-at-Christmas obsession. :heart:
Sooo much stuff to do on this its insane. My family has actually started calling me Droid due to me never putting it down
I just roffled :rofl3::rofl3:

Sometimes I just hold it, stare at it (hehe don't go there) -- then the screen times out so I hit the power button again, stare at it some more. Flip through some home screens tapping a few widgets here and there. Put it down. Pick it back up, check the market for updates. Check my mail. Use app killer (ocd), put the droid down. Pick it back up, stare at the screen, flip through the home pages like it's entertaining or something.

I love my droid, there's so much to do with it -- I just don't know what to do with it sometimes. Too many choices lol.
The wife says the only time I look up at the TV is when a Droid commercial is on, I smile then go back to staring at this wonder of technology.:motdroidhoriz:
I'm addicted. My use has tapered a bit since the first month but I'm still playing on it all the time.
Wait I'm supposed to put it down? Only when ordering another beer thank you very much. btw did you know about this beer it.............................................................................
Yes. Luckily my significant other thinks excessive gadget use is cute or we might have a serious problem on our hands. :D
Well I sleep with mine, is that an obsession?:icon_ devil:
Since 11/6/09, I still can't put this thing down.
11/7/09 for me.

I use it constantly and a little too much around my girlfriend, which I'm trying to work on. Every time I pick it up around her she gets irritated and tells me to put it down. Every time the commercial came on I use to look at her, smile, and say "helll yeah, droid doooes." I also work with a guy who has an Iphone 3g and always showed me the "cool" capabilities it has, so I went on a spree for two weeks basically showing what droid does each day. Not only that, but I go on this forum almost everyday looking for apps and tips. It's a very strong addiction that I refuse to get help with anytime soon. :icon_ banana:
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