I'm gonna be giving up my unlimited - but it's ok - because my DHs company is flipping the bill on that now - so not really a big deal. I'm seeing lots of Black Friday deals on the GS4 for around $50-$100. Maybe that's a good way to go? I do like a lot of storage - lots of pics & videos. Don;t know much about the G2 - I'm gonna have to check that out....Thinking I'd rather stay away from HTC - DH had Thunderbolt and it was a nightmare of a phone.
I'm all about keeping unlimited, but that's just me. I'm nine days into my plan month and I'm at 2.28GB. Last month I hit 8GB watching TV shows and stuff. YMMV.
But if you like to keep lots of media on the phone, you will want to go with the GS4. It's the only one of the three that supports removable microSD.
$50-100 is good but, I see them with no contract in great condition on swappa.com for $350 or so.
I don't know if I would burn and upgrade and give up unlimited for a GS4 at this point. Samsung typically releases phones in the last part of the first quarter or the first part of the second quarter.
If you just want a replacement, for now and wait to see what comes up, I suggest a Razr HD or Razr MAxx HD. It's a great upgrade on the Bionic and can be had for about $200. I had one before I bought the GS4 and it was a great phone. I moved to a GS4 because Verizon is locking down the phones so you can't root, tether, etc. This was my last chance to get a phone I own and not Verizon, etc.
My wife has equipment coverage and if her Bionic dies, we'll see what the replacement is first. I know that they have stopped stocking Bionics and have moved to a better phone for replacements.
Anyway, good luck and don't give up the unlimited.
If you get a phone with no removable storage, you will stream more and need more data.
Lots of good phones out there.