Ringtone ideas

Right now I use spoken notifications and a ringtone based on GLaDOS from Portal. They're found over here: GLaDOS Ringtones!

Still trying to create one that sounds as good as those for my e-mail. I used to use the Metal Gear Solid codec sound effects.

I've never been a big fan of songs as ringtones. I can never find a spot to begin and end that I'm happy with.
Hmm...I liked how my old voyager used to just beep. Anybody know where I can find that ring, it was called "Loud Beeps" and i loved it!
I always think it's funny when people use a really "cool" ringtone that goes off in the "wrong" place. I was in a meeting once with a number of execs and a woman had a ringtone for her boyfriend of "I want to f*** you like an animal" from "Closer" by NIN. Naturally, he called :D
That is why most intelligent people do not have ringtones of that sort =)